Ok i am have so many questions to ask but i will start off slow for now. What items do i need to get to start off like book and software. I would like to go into the game disign and programing which ever one. And i have been told that you need to learn c/c++ or java somthing like that well that why i am here i need all the help i can get and i would be very apperiated if anyone could help me with like a walkthrough or somthing i am sure you guys get people like me all the time but i would really like to have a career in this feild so thanks and i know this will not be the last of my questions lol.
Thanks, LotrFan

Take a look to the sidebar on the left. There's a link there that reads: "An introduction to C++". Try working through that first, and come back with questions.
Just to make it easier...

ok i got the basic down but i still don't understand how you write wall and stuff in a game how do you do that like what programs do you need and suff do you need to get i would really like to know this if anyone know just reply.
Thanks lortfan

It's not a good idea to try to learn calculus without having learned algebra.

If you want to be in the software progamming field, I would suggest that you not only learn a programming language but also learn the programming concepts, like algorithms, structured and object oriented program design etc. In fact you got to learn the concepts first then you can apply those using any programming language. There are plenty of resources on the Internet.

Programming ( Assignment / Project ) Help

If you want to be in the software progamming field, I would suggest that you not only learn a programming language but also learn the programming concepts, like algorithms, structured and object oriented program design etc. In fact you got to learn the concepts first then you can apply those using any programming language. There are plenty of resources on the Internet.

Programming ( Assignment / Project ) Help

While I agree to the above, I believe it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of some programming language before you have a chance of understanding design-patterns, object-orientedness and the likes properly.

I would suggest that you start by learning python first. It allows you to program in procedural or object oriented style, it has an extremely clean and simple syntax, and is wicked-easy to learn. There are several good tutorials for beginners. The python tutorial at www.python.org, and the "a byte of python" tutorial (google for it).

In learning python, you will quickly come to grips with most important programming topics, and you will have a quite easy time 'migrating' to c c++ or java.

>which can help you out in learning the language C/C++
First, there is no language called C/C++. There's C, and there's C++, but no C/C++. Life is much easier when you don't confuse the two. Second, I wouldn't recommend any site for learning either C or C++ that has void main right on the first page. Maybe you should learn before trying to teach.

Note that this is just after a cursory glance. I can only imagine the problems I would find if I spent some time reading that blog.

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