package ATM;

import javax.swing.*;

public class ATM
   private boolean userAuthenticated; // user authentication
   private int currentAccountNumber; // current account number
   private Screen screen; // JOptionPane (pop-up(s))
   private CashDispenser cashDispenser; // virtual cash dispenser
   private DepositSlot depositSlot; // virtual deposit slot
   private BankDatabase bankDatabase; // account database
   private LoginScreen loginScreen; // JFrame for login
   private MenuScreen menuScreen; // JFrame for transaction selection
   private WithdrawalScreen withdrawalScreen;

   // constants corresponding to main menu options
   private static final int BALANCE_INQUIRY = 1;
   private static final int WITHDRAWAL = 2;
   private static final int DEPOSIT = 3;
   private static final int EXIT = 4;
   public int mainMenuSelection = 0;
   Transaction currentTransaction = null;

   // no-argument ATM constructor initializes instance variables
   public ATM()
      userAuthenticated = false; // user is not authenticated to start
      currentAccountNumber = 0; // no current account number to start
      screen = new Screen(); // create screen
      cashDispenser = new CashDispenser(); // create cash dispenser
      depositSlot = new DepositSlot(); // create deposit slot
      bankDatabase = new BankDatabase(); // create acct info database
      loginScreen = new LoginScreen();
      menuScreen = new MenuScreen();
      withdrawalScreen = new WithdrawalScreen();

   } // end constructor

   public void run()
      while ( true )
         while ( !userAuthenticated ) // loop while user is not yet authenticated
            login(); //start login screen
            currentAccountNumber = loginScreen.getCurrentAccountNumber();
            userAuthenticated = loginScreen.getAuthentication();
         } // end while
         currentAccountNumber = loginScreen.getCurrentAccountNumber();
         performTransactions(); // user authenticated
         userAuthenticated = false; // reset ATM
         currentAccountNumber = 0; // reset ATM
         screen.displayMessageLine( "\nThank you! Goodbye!" );
      } // end while
   } // end method run

   private void login()//login screen constructor
     loginScreen.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
     loginScreen.setSize( 275, 130 ); // set frame size
     loginScreen.setVisible( true ); // display frame
   }//end login()

   // display the main menu and perform transactions
   private void performTransactions()

      boolean userExited = false; 

      while ( !userExited )

         mainMenuSelection = displayMainMenu();
         // decide how to proceed based on user's menu selection
         switch ( mainMenuSelection )
            // user chose to perform one of three transaction types
            case BALANCE_INQUIRY:
            case WITHDRAWAL:
            case DEPOSIT:

               // initialize as new object of chosen type
               currentTransaction =
                  createTransaction( mainMenuSelection );

               currentTransaction.execute(); // execute transaction
            case EXIT: // user chose to terminate session
               screen.displayMessageLine( "\nExiting the system..." );
               userExited = true; // this ATM session should end
         } // end switch
      } // end while
   } // end performTransactions

   // display the main menu and return an input selection
   private int displayMainMenu() //constructs menu screen and return user's choice
     menuScreen.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
     menuScreen.setSize( 275, 130 ); // set frame size
     menuScreen.setVisible( true ); // display frame
     return menuScreen.displayMainMenuValue; // return user's choice
   } // end method displayMainMenu

   private Transaction createTransaction( int type )
      Transaction temp = null; // temporary Transaction variable

      // determine which type of Transaction
      switch ( type )
         case BALANCE_INQUIRY: // create BalanceInquiry transaction
            temp = new BalanceInquiry(
               currentAccountNumber, screen, bankDatabase );
               currentTransaction = null;
               mainMenuSelection = 0;
         case WITHDRAWAL: // create Withdrawal transaction
            temp = new Withdrawal( currentAccountNumber, screen,
               bankDatabase, cashDispenser );
            currentTransaction = null;
            mainMenuSelection = 0;
         case DEPOSIT: // create Deposit transaction
            temp = new Deposit( currentAccountNumber, screen,
               bankDatabase, depositSlot );
            currentTransaction = null;
            mainMenuSelection = 0;
      } // end switch

      return temp; // return the newly created object
   } // end createTransaction
} // end class ATM

The code above is the code for the main.

The problem that I encounter is that once I start a transaction, it doesn't end.
For example, when I balance inquiry, it'll keep repeating showing me the balance report no matter how many times I click ok.

screen.displayMessageLine( "\nBalance Information: " + "\n\nAvailable balance: $ " + availableBalance + "\nTotal Balance: $"+ totalBalance );

will pop up non-stop.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the code? I suspect that currentTransaction doesn't reset itself after each transaction and that is why there is a continuous loop.

currentTransaction = null;
               mainMenuSelection = 0;
               menuScreen.displayMainMenuValue = 0;

Found my problem, just needed to add that code inside performTransaction();

Thanks anyway. :)

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