This code is used to reverse a number in C++ but I have a problem.
When I input 1010 or -1010, the output is -101 and 101.
How should I fix this?

/* Christopher Langford U05799189 
 * Assignment 3 Exercise 3
 * July 23, 2010
 * Macbook Pro w/Mac OSX 10.6.3
 * Xcode Version 3.2.2
 * C/C++ Programming 1, Section ID077588
 * This takes an integer and returns it in an English representation

#include <iostream>
const int BASE = 10;						/* Instead of a "magic number" used to reverse digits */                           
using namespace std;

int main()
    int reverse_num(int sourcenum);
                                            /* Variables */
    int num;
    cout << "This program will reverse any integer number entered by the user. \n";
    cout << "Enter the integer to be reversed: \n";
    cin  >> num;
    reverse_num(num);                       /* call the function reverse_num */ 
    return 0;

int reverse_num(int sourcenum)
    int temp = sourcenum;
    int sum = 0;
    while (temp)
        sum *= BASE;                         /* used to produce the least significant decimal integral value */
        sum += temp % BASE;
        temp /= BASE;                        /* used to elimitate that digit from the value */
    cout << "Your integer reversed is: " << sum << '\n';
    return sum;

Maybe try something along the lines of

if (num % 10 == 0)
    cout << "0" ;

//reverse number code
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