I would just like to ask if in declaring methods in your class at C++ you would always do this:

         void ListInsert(position,item,success);
        void  ListDelete(position,success);
        void  ListLength(void);
        void ListIsEmpty(void);

i am to create adt list using the basic funtions but i can't start..whew!

Well first, you need types for "position,item,success" unless these are types already, but I doubt it from the names. Intuitively I can guess it should be "(int position, aDataType item, bool& success)". Then, "List" here is repetitive, I would take it out. As in:

class List {
    bool Insert(int position, aDataType item); //just return success? as bool return value.
    bool Remove(int position); //same here... try not to use delete.
    int Length(); //return the length as int, and no need for (void)
    bool IsEmpty(); //return the state as bool, and no need for (void)
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