I have some callback method that set on my queue some bitmap.
This callback is called every 3 millisecond.

What i mean is that my queue will be fill up with a new bitmap every 3 Millisecond.

I trying to get the first picture ( this is queue ... ) and show it on pictureBox - but i get some "external error " and i don't understand why.

public delegate void UpdateBitmapCallback( IntPtr img ); 

private void CallBack( object sender, IntPtr e )
            lock( IncomingBmp )
                IncomingBmp.Enqueue ( e );

                if( IncomingBmp.Count > 10)
                    UpdateBitmap( IncomingBmp.Dequeue() );

        private void UpdateBitmap( IntPtr img )
            if( this.pictureBox1.InvokeRequired == true )
                UpdateBitmapCallback p = new UpdateBitmapCallback( UpdateBitmap );
                this.Invoke( p, img );
                this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromHbitmap( img );

You are only storing a pointer (IntPtr) to the bitmap.
Are you sure that the bitmap still exists and is where it was when it was enqueued?
I.e. Is the pointer still valid?

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