In my code, I need to enhance the List class to throw an exception whenever an error occurs. I need to use exception specifications for all functions. I know it would be something like

if ....
throw (OutOfRangeException)

I am just not sure where and how to incorporate this. Please help explain this and where and how this would go in my functions.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
class List;
class Iterator;
class Node
	typedef int DataType;

       Constructs a node with a given data value.
       @param s the data to store in this node
   Node(Node::DataType t);
   Node::DataType data;
   Node* previous;
   Node* next;
   friend class List;
   friend class Iterator;
class List
       Constructs an empty list;
       Appends an element to the list.
       @param s the value to append
   void push_back(int s);
       Inserts an element into the list.
       @param iter the position before which to insert
       @param s the value to append
   void insert(Iterator iter, int s);
       Removes an element from the list.
       @param i the position to remove
       @return an iterator pointing to the element after the
       erased element
   Iterator erase(Iterator i);
       Gets the beginning position of the list.
       @return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the list
   Iterator begin();
       Gets the past-the-end position of the list.
       @return an iterator pointing past the end of the list
  Iterator end();
   Node* first;
   Node* last;
class Iterator
       Constructs an iterator that does not point into any list.
       Looks up the value at a position.
       @return the value of the node to which the iterator points
   int get() const;
       Advances the iterator to the next node.
   void next();
       Moves the iterator to the previous node.
   void previous();
       Compares two iterators
       @param b the iterator to compare with this iterator
       @return true if this iterator and b are equal
  bool equals(Iterator b) const;
   Node* position;
   Node* last;
friend class List;
Node::Node(int s)
   Node::DataType data = s;
   previous = NULL;
   next = NULL;

   first = NULL;
   last = NULL;
void List::push_back(int s)
   Node* newnode = new Node(s);
   if (last == NULL) /* list is empty */
      first = newnode;
      last = newnode;
       newnode->previous = last;
       last->next = newnode;
       last = newnode;
void List::insert(Iterator iter, int s)
   if (iter.position == NULL)
   Node* after = iter.position;
   Node* before = after->previous;
   Node* newnode = new Node(s);
   newnode->previous = before;
   newnode->next = after;
   after->previous = newnode;
   if (before == NULL) /* insert at beginning */
       first = newnode;
       before->next = newnode;
Iterator List::erase(Iterator i)
    Iterator iter = i;
    assert(iter.position != NULL);
    Node* remove = iter.position;
    Node* before = remove->previous;
    Node* after = remove->next;
    if (remove == first)
       first = after;
       before->next = after;
    if (remove == last)
       last = before;
       after->previous = before;
    iter.position = after;
    delete remove;
    return iter;
Iterator List::begin()
    Iterator iter;
    iter.position = first;
    iter.last = last;
    return iter;
Iterator List::end()
    Iterator iter;
    iter.position = NULL;
    iter.last = last;
    return iter;
    position = NULL;
    last = NULL;
int Iterator::get() const
    assert(position != NULL);
    return position->data;
void Iterator::next()
    assert(position != NULL);
    position = position->next;
void Iterator::previous()
    if (position == NULL)
       position = last;
       position = position->previous;
    assert(position != NULL);
bool Iterator::equals(Iterator b) const
    return position == b.position;
int main()
    List staff;
    /* add a value in fourth place */
    Iterator pos;
    pos = staff.begin();;;;
    staff.insert(pos, "Romeo");
    /* remove the value in second place */
   pos = staff.begin();;
   /* print all values */
    for (pos = staff.begin(); !pos.equals(staff.end());
       cout << pos.get() << "\n";
  return 0;

Look at each function and think when it cal fail? For example, what happens when you
try to access the top of the list but the list is empty? Is this a case where you
think you should throw an exception? What happens when you try to erase a invalid iterator? Look at each function and think how it would fail. And go from there.

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