1. I use SharpDevelop and i really need to use a WebBrowser component,i studied In Wikipedia how to do import ActiveX,but there is a little problem,if you want to import ActiveX you have to have SDK framework, i have 1.0 and 1.1 but they arent SDK,i have SDK 2,0 beta so question is can i use aximp.exe from 2.0 to create ActiveX wraper and then use it to create application in 1.1?? framework?http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/default.aspx/SharpDevelop.ActiveXImport <--this is link if answer to first question is positive can someone explain to me 2.step in that tutorial??Please!?!

Wow how complicated I dunno what you're talking about...

Its simple,is there other way to use COM objects trough SharpDevelop.

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