Is it possible to start thread in paintComponent() method ?
I would like that thread to invoke the drawLine() method and count new parameters (points) for this method, and to draw a chart of function in this way.
Here's the code,hoply describe better my purposes:
public class generator2 extends JPanel implements Runnable{
int fnx, fny, fnx1, fny1;
Math obMathX, obMathY;
double amplituda1, czestotl1, faza1, amplituda2, czestotl2, faza2;//parameters of the function
int n=0;
Thread genKernel;
Graphics2D g2D;
public generator2() {
amplituda1 = 80;
czestotl1 = 1;
faza1 = 0;
amplituda2 = 80;
czestotl2 = 1;
faza2 = 3.14 / 2;
fnx1 = 0;
fny1 = 0;
public void runKernel() {
if (genKernel==null){
genKernel=new Thread(this);
public void stopKernel () {
if (genKernel!=null){
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
runKernel();//starting thread which work on the g2D object - is it correct?
public void run() {
Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
while (genKernel == thisThread) {
//generetes new point's data
fnx = (int) (amplituda1 *
obMathX.sin(2 * 3.14 * czestotl1 * n * 0.0001 + faza1));
fny = (int) (amplituda2 *
obMathY.sin(2 * 3.14 * czestotl2 * n * 0.0001 + faza2));
if (n == 0) {
fnx1 = fnx;
fny1 = fny;
n = n + 1;
[U]g2D.drawLine((fnx1) + 80, (fny1) + 80, (fnx) + 80, (fny) + 80);[/U]//[U]it doesn't work correctly -why? , whats is wrong with colling drawLine method for g2D object here ? and thread strted in paintComponent() method? :rolleyes: [/U]
fnx1 = fnx;
fny1 = fny;
if (n == 200000) {
n = 0;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
any ideas or experience ?