Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to remove a particular attribute in XML by using Python?

<city capital="Paris">Paris</city>
<city capital="Helsinki">Helsinki</city>
<city capital="Bogota">Bogota</city>

I just wanna delete or remove Paris and Helsinki here by using SAX or DOM. How could I do it?

Thanks for your help.

Have a nice day!!!

Using minidom:

from xml.dom import minidom

doc = '''<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<city capital="Paris">Paris</city>
<city capital="Helsinki">Helsinki</city>
<city capital="Bogota">Bogota</city>

docXML = minidom.parseString(doc)
for elem in docXML.getElementsByTagName("city"):
print docXML.toprettyxml(indent="  ", newl="")
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