I used 2 linked list.

First : Students.
Second: Doctor.

Every Doctor takes a set of his students.

The problem :
How do I add students to the doctor?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
#include <string>

struct student
    string  name;            // current name
    student *next;    // pointer to next student
} ;

class student_Univ
        student *head;    // pointer to head
        student *curr;    // pointer to current

        student_Univ();                // constructor
        void ClearLinkedList();        // clear list
        void add_stu(student *p);        // add student
        void print_stu();            // print all in list

struct Doctor
    string  name;            // current name
    student_Univ StName;
    Doctor *next;    // pointer to next student
} ;

class Doctor_Univ
        Doctor *head;    // pointer to head
        Doctor *curr;    // pointer to current

        Doctor_Univ();                // constructor
        void add_doc(Doctor *p);        // add student
        void print_doc();            // print all in list

// constructor
    head = NULL;    // head points to NULL
    curr = NULL;    // current points to NULL
    head = NULL;    // head points to NULL
    curr = NULL;    // current points to NULL

// add student
void student_Univ::add_stu(student *p)
    if(head == NULL)    // first in list
        head = p;            // head
        curr = head;        // current points to head
        curr->next = p;        // add to list
        curr = p;            // update current pointer
void Doctor_Univ::add_doc(Doctor *p)
    if(head == NULL)    // first in list
        head = p;            // head
        curr = head;        // current points to head
        curr->next = p;        // add to list
        curr = p;            // update current pointer

// print all in list
void student_Univ::print_stu()
    student *ptr = head;

    cout << "*********************" << endl;
    cout << "student is: " << endl;

    // for each in list, print out all
    while(ptr != NULL)
        cout << ptr->name << endl;
        ptr = ptr->next;            // iterate to next student in list
    cout << "*********************" << endl;
void Doctor_Univ::print_doc()
    Doctor *ptr = head;

    cout << "*********************" << endl;
    cout << "doctor is: " << endl;

    // for each in list, print out all
    while(ptr != NULL)
        cout << ptr->name << endl;
        ptr = ptr->next;            // iterate to next student in list
    cout << "*********************" << endl;

int main()
    student_Univ *ptr_ie = new student_Univ();
    Doctor_Univ *ptr_doc = new Doctor_Univ();

    // define student 1
    student *ine = new student;
    ine->name = "AAA";
    ine->next = NULL;

    // define student 2
    ine = new student;
    ine->name = "BBB";
    ine->next = NULL;

    // define student 3
    ine = new student;
    ine->name = "CCC";
    ine->next = NULL;

    // print out list

    Doctor *doct = new Doctor;
    doct->name = "Jon";
    //doct->StName = ptr_ie;  <== How Can Input set of student ???
    doct->next = NULL;

    return 0;

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All 2 Replies

How do I add students to the doctor?

Well, just uncomment the line 153 you have and it should work. Doesn't it? I would say that you need to implement a deep copy-constructor for class student_Univ, but, since your management of memory, pointers, and ownership is essentially non-existent in your code (which is very bad, especially when working with linked-lists), I guess you have to stick with the shallow copy-constructor that the compiler provides.

Two remarks:
1) You have a ton of memory leaks (not dangerous ones, but still). You should google for the topic of memory leaks and revise your code (essentially you need to add clean-up code for all that dynamic memory you are allocating). You need to better understand pointers, dynamic memory, and ownership issues.
2) Hint: classes student_Univ and doctor_Univ are not needed. This is a common mistake when making a simple linked-list. Except for a few special purposes, decentralized (recursive) algorithms, as part of classes student or Doctor, can pretty much do everything you need the linked-list for, and thus, no "managing" or centralized classes or algorithms are needed.

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