I have to use a software package written in c with many different files.

It has an executable file with a variable -


cc is later used in that file to compile other files present in the software.

wenever i try to run this file I get an error command not found. How do I fix this?
my gcc is located in the above directory only.
M using ubuntu 9.10

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Post code because we can't see your monitor.

Sure.. Here's the whole code..Since its not really any lang (I think so :-)) so m putting it in C code tage...

CC = /usr/bin/gcc
GCCFLAGS = -c -Wall
VPATH  = src:obj:include

OBJ = $(OBJDIR)/assess.o $(OBJDIR)/frequency.o $(OBJDIR)/blockFrequency.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/cusum.o $(OBJDIR)/runs.o $(OBJDIR)/longestRunOfOnes.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/serial.o $(OBJDIR)/rank.o $(OBJDIR)/discreteFourierTransform.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/nonOverlappingTemplateMatchings.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/overlappingTemplateMatchings.o $(OBJDIR)/universal.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/approximateEntropy.o $(OBJDIR)/randomExcursions.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/randomExcursionsVariant.o $(OBJDIR)/linearComplexity.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/dfft.o $(OBJDIR)/cephes.o $(OBJDIR)/matrix.o \
      $(OBJDIR)/utilities.o $(OBJDIR)/generators.o $(OBJDIR)/genutils.o

assess: $(OBJ)
	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJ) -lm

$(OBJDIR)/assess.o: $(SRCDIR)/assess.c defs.h decls.h utilities.h
	$(CC) -o $@ -c $(SRCDIR)/assess.c

$(OBJDIR)/frequency.o: $(SRCDIR)/frequency.c defs.h externs.h
	$(CC) -o $@ $(GCCFLAGS) $(SRCDIR)/frequency.c

$(OBJDIR)/generators.o: $(SRCDIR)/generators.c defs.h externs.h utilities.h \
        config.h generators.h
	$(CC) -o $@ $(GCCFLAGS) $(SRCDIR)/generators.c

	rm -f assess $(OBJDIR)/*.o

rebuild: clean assess

M getting errors for all these 3 variables
CC = /usr/bin/gcc
GCCFLAGS = -c -Wall

In ROOTDIR i tried putting the path in which my files/folders exist but still got the same error for all lines: line i: CC command not found.

Its just the makefile from the software package...

Software is available here for reference : http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/rng/documentation_software.html

>>CC = /usr/bin/gcc

try removing the white space on that line

>>CC = /usr/bin/gcc

try removing the white space on that line

done that already.. I tried with space without space...i also tried CC=gcc.
Still the same...:(
Even tried putting it in " " .

Are you trying to execute the makefile? What about just typing make at the command prompt?

Are you trying to execute the makefile? What about just typing make at the command prompt?

Hey it worked!!! thanku so much :)

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