Hi i was wondering if someone could tell if i am anywhere close to being on the right track.

I have to create a program which adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides fractions.
I really am trying to get a grip on learning this stuff, so anyone who could give some input would be greatly appretiated.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> 

using namespace std;

void showRules();

void functadd(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

void functsub(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

void functmult(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

void functdivi(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

//main function
int main()
	int num1, denom1, num2, denom2;
	char op;
	//show rules

	cout >> "Please enter your problem => ";
	readFrac(num1, denom1);
	readFrac(num2, denom2);

        case '+':
            // User entered a addition sign, add the fractions
            functadd(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

        case '-':
            // User entered a subtraction sign, subtract the fractions
            functsub(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

        case '*':
            // User entered a multiplication sign, multiply the fractions
           functmult(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

        case '/':
            // User entered a division sign, divide the fractions
            functdivi(num1, denom1, num2, denom2);

            // User entered something else, show an error message and don't
            //  display the answer
            cout << "You have used an invalid operator.\n";
            cout << "Please use any one of following operators: +, -, *, /\n";
            showans = false;

		return 0;
//read fraction
void readFrac(int& n, int& d)
	char ch;

//shows user the rules
void showRules()
	cout>>"Fractional Arithmetic Program\n">>endl;
	cout>>"This program will perform arithmetic on fractions.">>endl;
	cout>>"Problems should be entered like this: 2/5 - 4/7\n">>endl;
	cout>>"The allowed operations are addition (+), subtraction (-),">>endl; 
	cout>>"mulitplication (*), and division (/).\n">>endl;

//add function
void functadd(int& numb1, int& denoma1, int& numb2, int& denoma2)
	int ansnum, asdenom;

	ansnum =(numb1*denom2) + (num2/denoma1);
	ansdenom = denoma1 * denoma2;
	cout<< ansnum << "/" << ansdenom <<endl;

//subtract funct
void functsub(int& numb1, int& denoma1, int& numb2, int& denoma2)
	int ansnum, asdenom;
	ansnum =(numb1*denoma2) - (numb2/denoma1);
	ansdenom = denom1 * denom2;	
	cout<< ansnum << "/" << ansdenom <<endl;

//multiply function
void functmult(int& numb1, int& denoma1, int& numb2, int& denoma2)
	int ansnum, asdenom;

	ansnum = numb1*numb2;
	ansdenom = denoma1 * denoma2;
	cout<< ansnum << "/" << ansdenom <<endl;

//divide fucntion
void functdivi(int& numb1, int& denoma1, int& numb2, int& denoma2)
	int ansnum, asdenom;

	ansnum =numb1 * denoma2;
	ansdenom = denoma1 * numb2;
	cout<< ansnum << "/" << ansdenom <<endl;

You need to declare readFrac() before you call it, but otherwise it looks pretty good. Does it compile? run? give an expected answer when known input is presented? If so, then you've done your job. You could spice it up using a class to define a type called something like RationalNumber or Fractions or something. You could add functionality to put the answers into standard form with lowest common denominators (eg 6/8 becomes 3/4, etc). But those are bells and whistles. Your code does the basics, or at least it looks like it does.

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