I am confused on how to get my x and y coodrdinates to overalap. Can you please help me or give me an example of how to do so. This is the code that I have so far:

public boolean hitBy = true;

		public boolean hitBy(Bullet b) {

		public int getHeight() {
			return SPRITE.getHeight();

		public int getWidth() {
			return SPRITE.getWidth();

		public double getUpperLeftX() {
			return upperLeftX;

		public void setUpperLeftX(int x) {
			upperLeftX = x;

		public double getUpperLeftY() {
			return upperLeftY;

		public void setUpperLeftY(int y) {
			upperLeftY = y;

What is the problem here? Could you give us some more detail as to what you are trying to have happen.

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