
I'm pretty new to scripting so need some help...

Basically I have a 1TB drive that hosts hundreds of .mdf files. What I want to do is search this drive for these .mdf files, zip them, and then delete the original .mdf file permanently.

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.



IFS=$(printf "\n") zip mdf $(find "$dir" -name '*.mdf')
find "$dir" -name '*.mdf' -exec rm {} +

Will this work under Windows powershell?

Windows powershell is not a Unix shell.

"Shell Scripting forum is the place for Q&A-style discussions related to *nix shell scripting languages"

IFS=$(printf "\n") zip mdf $(find "$dir" -name '*.mdf')
find "$dir" -name '*.mdf' -exec rm {} +

Why IFS=$(printf "\n") instead of just IFS=$'\n' ? To avoid bash-only feature?

Why IFS=$(printf "\n") instead of just IFS=$'\n' ? To avoid bash-only feature?

Exactly; the $'\n' syntax is not portable.

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