I am currently writing a program that can calculate the number of total seconds in a user given number of hours, minutes, and seconds (in that order in hh:mm:ss format hh, mm, and ss being any number from 0-99). I'm not really worried for checking for errors in user input, I'm more concerned with the user inputing code into the console in that format (hh:mm:ss).

Enter time in format hh:mm:ss: 2:15:30
Number of seconds is 8130

This is my program so far:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int secToCalc; int minToCalc; int hourToCalc; int secLeft; int minLeft; int hourLeft;

// Take the input from the user and calculate the number of seconds through
// multiplication. 3600 sec = 1 hour AND 60 sec = 1 min
int main(){
	// Ask user to provide the number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
	cout << "Welcome to Second Calculator." << endl << "Enter the number of hours, minutes, and seconds (in that order): "
		 << endl;
	cin >> hourToCalc >> minToCalc >> secLeft; // Get hours, minutes, and seconds from user.
	int secTotal = (hourToCalc * 3600) + (minToCalc * 60) + secLeft; // Formula for calculating total number of seconds.
	// Display the calculated nummber of seconds from user given hours, minutes, and seconds.
	cout << "From the given " << hourToCalc << ":" << minToCalc << ":" << secLeft 
		 << " the total number of seconds is equal to: " << secTotal << endl;

	system("pause"); // Prevent console from closing immediately, press enter key to close console

	return 0;

The output currently looks something like this:

Welcome to Second Calculator.
Enter the number of hours, minutes, and seconds (in that order):
From the given 2:15:30 the total number of seconds is equal to: 8130
Press any key to continue...

I've looked around and from what I have read I would need to move the cursor in the console, but that's a tad advanced for what little I've learned so far.
I'm not sure if maybe I have to do something with some string operations and somehow find and store the three values from the user input. I've tried outputing ":" after each input, but the console places new lines after each input and it just ends up looking like a wierd ladder:


Any help in steering me in the right direction or assisting in how to figure this out is greatly appreciated.

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Don't hit enter after each input. Enter literally tells the console to make a new line. A simple space will suffice to separate the variables.

Take it in as a string. Then, find the colons and break the string up to get what you need.

To get what you want, you need to read it as a string, and then parse the string. Some example :

string str;
cin >> str; //for example assume user enters 11:22:33
string::size_type hourEndPosition = str.find_first_of(":");
int hours = atoi( str.substr(0,hourEndPosition) );
string::size_type minuteEndPosition = str.find_first_of(hourEndPosition+1,minuteEndPosition);
int minutes = atoi( str.substr(hourEndPosition, minuteEndPosition - hourEndPoisition);
//.similar for seconds

@Red Goose - I wish it were that simple! That places spaces in there that aren't supposed to be there. Thank you though, I never knew that I could do that in the console!

@Fbody - I was just writing about that and have been scearching through my C++ textbooks. Thanks for the confirmation!

@firstPerson - That actually makes a lot of sense to me. I never knew about the atoi (I believe it's ASCII to Integer, at least from what I've read now). For seconds I would just really have to do this:

string::size_type secondEndPosition = str.find_first_of(minuteEndPosition+1,secondEndPosition);

int seconds = atoi( str.substr(minuteEndPosition, secondEndPosition - minuteEndPosition);

I'm going to try this out now and see what happens!

Alright. I have the code working now, it took a little bit of playing around with and a bit of reading on my part. I just thought I would post the working code for anyone who may visit this thread in the future.

int part2(){
	// Ask user to provide the number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
	cout << "\nWelcome to Second Calculator." << "\nEnter the number of hours, minutes, "
		 << "and seconds (in HH:MM:SS format): "
		 << endl;

	string str; cin >> str; // Used to find and break apart the hh, mm, and ss from the input string and store their
							// repective values.
	string::size_type hourEndPosition = str.find_first_of(":");
	hourToCalc = atoi( str.substr(0,hourEndPosition).c_str() );
	string::size_type minuteEndPosition = str.find_first_of(hourEndPosition+1,minuteEndPosition);
	minToCalc = atoi( str.substr(hourEndPosition+1, minuteEndPosition - hourEndPosition-1).c_str() );
	string::size_type secondEndPosition = str.find_first_of(minuteEndPosition+1,secondEndPosition); 
	secLeft = atoi( str.substr(minuteEndPosition+1).c_str() );
	int secTotal = (hourToCalc * 3600) + (minToCalc * 60) + secLeft; // Formula for calculating total number of seconds.
	// Display the calculated nummber of seconds from user given hours, minutes, and seconds.
	cout << "From the given " << hourToCalc << ":" << minToCalc << ":" << secLeft 
		 << " the total number of seconds is equal to: " << secTotal << endl;

	return 0;

>>>string str; cin >> str
You might consider using getline(cin,str) just in case the user might try to enter something like 05 : 25 : 60 . Notice the spaces.

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