I may have phrased the title wrong but it is what I mean. I am not looking for multiple windows at once, I am writing a script that opens a tkinter window asking for information etc etc etc and it all saves into a database after the last window. Right now I have it setup like

from Tkinter import *

class gui:
	def __init__(self):
		#make self variables here
	def wind1(self):
		self.root = Tk()
		etc etc etc
		self.button = Button(self.root, text="Submit", command=self.wind2)
		etc etc pack and create window
	def wind2(self):
		self.infostored = self.etcetc #from wind1
		create new tk window
		etc etc
		self.button = Button(self.root, text="Submit", command=self.wind3)
		pack and make
	def wind3(self):
		self.storemore = pass more from tk window
		new window again
		self.button = Button(self.root, text="Submit", command=self.store)
		pack and make
	def store(self):
		store last self variable
		do stuff here

window = gui()
window = window.wind1()

What would be the most efficient way to pass variables to a new window or in my case, create a new window but closing the current but keeping the current self.root? I tried google but to no avail I suck at googling some things like this.

You don't need destroy anything, what user sees need not be same as program sees. See the forget method, the opposite of pack.

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