i want to do a facedetection project for attendance on which platform i do that and can u give some resource that from where i get direction that what i have to do

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for FaceDetection Project from where i start . is there any available liabrary available or i have to go from basic that i have to develop my own algorithm which paltfrom i used

its nothing to do with java, even/but at fistr of all:

are you search for some Camera set that's really implements your .. (camera chipset + Sw), aren't you

if yes, then is:

- camera able (automatic option for Face Detection) to create image
- camera able (camera chipset + Sw) to distribute this image
- if camera vendor distribute API for a.m. procesing

if yes, then:

check vendor wwwSite for usage of this API

depending on the complexity of the project, you could use http://detection.myvhost.de

Its an open-source web-service that finds the coordinates of faces in images. The pros of using the webservice are: no extra libraries required, everything is done through HTTP requests

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