This is the data in the text file ,


and I want to print only specific values from this text files in C#.

The output should like this:
8=FIX.4.3 35=5 52=20101219-18:05:01.522
8=FIX.4.3 35=0 52=20101219-18:07:02.501

Please help me with this thread.

A simple way would be to read each line as strings and then use simple string manipulation like the following:

  before, after : string;

  // Try to replace all occurrences of a or A to THE
  before := 'This is a way to live A big life';

  after  := StringReplace(before, ' a ', ' THE ',
                          [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
  ShowMessage('Before = '+before);
  ShowMessage('After  = '+after);

Before = This is a way to live A big life
After = This is THE way to live THE big life

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