I try to make an exercise from a book and I have only one error.
On this line

cin >> t;

it writes me that "more than one operator >> matches this operand" I know that defined this operand before in another way but I don't know how to solve this.

using namespace std;

class Rational {
int ns, nj; //counter and denominator
	int cmmdc(int a, int b);
	Rational(int n1= 0, int n2=1) {
	ns=n1; nj=n2;
	Rational(Rational&  r) {
	int sus()
		const {
	return ns;
	 int jos ()
	const  { 
	return  nj;
	 void setsus(int x) {ns = x; }
	 void setjos(int y) {nj = y; }
	 Rational& operator+=(const Rational& r);
	 Rational& operator-=(const Rational& r);
	 Rational& operator*=(const Rational& r);
	 Rational& operator/=(const Rational& r);
	 friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Rational& r);
	 friend istream& operator<<(istream& os, Rational& r);
	 friend int operator == (const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2);
	 friend Rational operator+(const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2);
	 friend Rational operator-(const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2);
	 friend Rational operator/(const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2);
	 friend Rational operator*(const Rational& r1, const Rational& r2);
	 friend void simplifica (Rational& r);
Rational& Rational :: operator+=(const Rational& r) {
	int t=ns*r.jos() + nj*r.sus();
	return *this;
Rational& Rational :: operator-=(const Rational& r) {
	int t=ns*r.jos() - nj*r.sus();
	return *this;
	Rational& Rational ::operator*=(const Rational& r) {
		ns *=r.sus();
		nj *=r.jos();
		return *this;

	Rational& Rational ::operator /=(const Rational& r) {
		ns /=r.sus();
		nj /=r.jos();
		return *this;

	int Rational::cmmdc(int a, int b) {
	int r;
	do {
	return a;

	istream& operator>>(istream& is, Rational r) {
	int x, y;
	return is;

	ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Rational& r) {
	os<<r.sus() << "/" <<r.jos();
	return os;
	} ;
	int operator ==(Rational& r1, Rational& r2) {
	simplifica (r1);
	simplifica (r2);
	return r1.sus() == r2.sus() && r1.jos() == r2.jos();
	Rational operator +=( Rational& r1,  Rational& r2) {
		Rational r(r1); 
	r +=r2;
	return r;
	} ;
	Rational operator -=( Rational& r1,  Rational& r2) {
	Rational r(r1);
	r -=r2;
	return r;
	} ;
	Rational operator *=( Rational& r1,  Rational& r2) {
	Rational r(r1);
	r *=r2;
	return r;
	} ;
	Rational operator /=( Rational& r1,  Rational& r2) {
	Rational r(r1);
	r /=r2;
	return r;
	} ;
	void simplifica(Rational& r) {
	int s=r.sus();
	int j=r.jos();
	int c=r.cmmdc(s, j);
	s /=c;
	j /=c;

	int main () {
	Rational suma, t;
	int n; // number of terms
	cout<<"Number of terms= ";
	cout<<"Introduce the fractions one on a line: "<<endl;
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
		cin >> t;
		suma += t;
	return 0;


Thank you

i think you have overloaded ">>" operator so that compiler gets confused about which operator should be matched exactly with that operand since >> is a built in operator so you should not overload it.
Hope this will clear your confusion...

I know this but the exercise is like this.
And also here "cin>>n;" is no problem at all.
only with "cin >> t;"

i think you have overloaded ">>" operator so that compiler gets confused about which operator should be matched exactly with that operand since >> is a built in operator so you should not overload it.
Hope this will clear your confusion...

Wait, what?

The issue is that your prototype for >> in your class declaration doesn't match what you have in your defintion.

friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Rational[B]&[/B] r);


istream& operator>>(istream& is, Rational r)

To the compiler, those are two different signatures, one with a reference to a Rational and the other without. Just change the second to Rational & r Also, a minor point, the semicolons after your method definitions 46,52,58, etc., are extraneous (when compiled with a low warning level, they are passable, but conventionally they are not placed there).

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