for (int counter = 0; counter > size ; counter ++ )

        sum = sum + score[counter];

        average =  sum /size;
        cout << "The average Score is:" << average << endl;

void sortData(string* name, int* score, int size)

     int index_one, index_two;

      char temp;

   for ( index_one = 0; index_one < (size - 1); index_one++)
      for(int index_two = index_one + 1; index_two < size; index_two++)

         if (name  [index_one] > name [ index_two])
            temp = name [ index_one];
            name [index_one] = name [index_two];
            name [index_two] = temp;

            temp = score [index_one];
            score [index_one] = score [index_two];
            score [index_two] = temp;

 void displayData (string *name , int *score, int size)
    cout << "Name \t\t Score\n";

    cout << "---------------------------------";

     for (int index = 0; index > size ; index++)

         cout << name [index] << "\t";
         cout << setw(14) << score [index] << endl;


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   using namespace std;

//function prototype

   void sortData(string* ,int*);
   void calcAverage(int*, int);
   void displayData(string* , int*, int);

     int main ()

   // pointer variables
      string* name;

      int *score;
      int size;
      int counter;

   //dynamic variables

   // user enter score

      cout<<"How many test scores will you enter?";

      cin >> size;
      score = new int[size];
      name = new string [size];

      for(counter = 0; counter< size; counter ++)
         cout<< "Enter students last name ";

         cin >> *(name  + counter) ;

         cout << " Enter the student's test score: ";

         cin >> * (score + counter);

     // function to calculate Average

    void calcAverage(int* score, int size)
      int sum = 0;

      float average;
      for (int counter = 0; counter > size ; counter ++ )

         sum = sum + score[counter];

      average =  sum /size;
      cout << "The average Score is:" << average << endl;


     // function to sort student name with the test score respectively.

     void sortData(string* name, int* score, int size)

      int index_one, index_two;

      char temp;

      for ( index_one = 0; index_one < (size - 1); index_one++)
         for(int index_two = index_one + 1; index_two < size; index_two++)

            if (name  [index_one] > name [ index_two])
               temp = name [ index_one];
               name [index_one] = name [index_two];
               name [index_two] = temp;

               temp = score [index_one];
               score [index_one] = score [index_two];
               score [index_two] = temp;

    void displayData (string *name , int *score, int size)
      cout << "Name \t\t Score\n";

      cout << "---------------------------------";

      for (int index = 0; index > size ; index++)

         cout << name [index] << "\t";
         cout << setw(14) << score [index] << endl;


Could you indicate which line is 89.

for (int index = 0; index > size ; index++)

This could be your issue.
Please use code tags, you will get more help.
For this to run size would have to have a negative value and as you increment index it will always be larger, so infinite loop.


   using namespace std;

//function prototype

   void sortData(string* ,int*);
   void calcAverage(int*, int);
   void displayData(string* , int*, int);
	 int main ()
   // pointer variables
      string* name;
      int *score;
      int size;
      int counter;
   //dynamic variables
   // user enter score
      cout<<"How many test scores will you enter?";
      cin >> size;
      score = new int[size];
      name = new string [size];
      for(counter = 0; counter< size; counter ++)
         cout<< "Enter students last name ";
         cin >> *(name  + counter) ;
         cout << " Enter the student's test score: ";
         cin >> * (score + counter);
     // function to calculate Average
    void calcAverage(int* score, int size)
      int sum = 0;
      float average;
      for (int counter = 0; counter > size ; counter ++ )
         sum = sum + score[counter];
      average =  sum /size;
      cout << "The average Score is:" << average << endl;
	 // function to sort student name with the test score respectively.
	 void sortData(string* name, int* score, int size)
      int index_one, index_two;
      char temp;
      for ( index_one = 0; index_one < (size - 1); index_one++)
         for(int index_two = index_one + 1; index_two < size; index_two++)
            if (name  [index_one] > name [ index_two])
               temp = name [ index_one];
               name [index_one] = name [index_two];
               name [index_two] = temp;
               temp = score [index_one];
               score [index_one] = score [index_two];
               score [index_two] = temp;
    void displayData (string *name , int *score, int size)
      cout << "Name \t\t Score\n";
      cout << "---------------------------------";
      for (int index = 0; index > size ; index++)
         cout << name [index] << "\t";
         cout << setw(14) << score [index] << endl;

Line 89 is " temp = name [ index_one]; "

Error is
D:\Workspaces\CodeBlocks\Test\main.cpp|89|error: cannot convert `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >' to `char' in assignment|

deref of string* returns string and deref of int* returns int. You're trying to assign a string to a char on line 89. That's the problem.
(PS: Same problem exists 6 lines below where you try to assign int to char. Unfortunately it might work! Fix it.

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