In one European country there are two types of music festivals
national and international.
All take place in one or more (sometimes random) days, but
all days are in the same calendar year.

For the national festival is significant whether or not have jury (that is giving additional prizes). For international is important if they are giving the the top prize
(Grand prix).

Create a class MusicFestival which will have function main () in which will be constructed arrays of objects from these classes (National and International).

Implement user agent through the menu with the following options:

1.Addition of Festival (National and International)
2.Changing of the data provided by code from Festival
(Change the number of participants, and in international festivals plus-change
awarding the main prize)
3.Showing festivals from a given class (National or International)
4.Computation of the number of awards granted to all festivals that are
held in a given year (which is entered from the keyboard). For each type of festival
it is known that by standard are given 3 awards from the audience.
For national matches depending on whether a jury awarded another 3 awards, and
in international competitions depending on whether it last more than a day
held for each day shall be granted one award plus eventually granted and the main
prize (if the Festival is giving award Grand Prix).
Otherwise, if the festival lasts only one day, then it is given the main prize only if
the Festival is giving that award.
5.Exit menu

Class: Festival
code / / int
number_participants / / int
date [] / / Datum
place / / String
Constructor ()
Show_data ()

Class: National
code / / int
number_participants / / int
Date [] / / Datum
place / / String
jury / / Boolean
Constructor ()
Show_data ()

Class: International
code / / int
number_participants / / int
date [] / / Datum
place / / String
grand_prix / / boolean
Constructor ()
Show_data ()

Classes National and International extends from Festival

Class: Datum
day / / int
month / / int
year / / int
Constructor ()
Show_data ()

Important: If necessary can (and must) be added and additional methods. Attributes along that stands type of data must have that type. Pay attention to the need to use

jwenting commented: it's not urgent -3

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All 4 Replies

I doubt you are going to finish your course if this is your attitude towards your studies, and the way you approach your home work...

commented: well said +16

It's certainly not urgent to me.

Post what you have started with and specific questions or error messages. No one will do your homework for you.

Use the CODE-button, too

It's certainly not urgent to me.

Post what you have started with and specific questions or error messages. No one will do your homework for you.

ok, i will pull back just please do not answer anymore.

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