I have this program and im trying to get the addVertex method to access the list within the class and return the object "Vertex" whenever i use the brackets. Everything works fine but i cant modify the structure now when i use the brackets. I get an error dealing with the
"->" operator. i tried changing it to a "." but i just get different errors. Ive been staring at this for a while now and any help would be appreciated.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "DirectGraph.cpp"
#include "DirectGraph.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    vector<int> vertexTrack(50,0);
    DirectGraph *directedGraph;
    directedGraph = new DirectGraph();
    ifstream infile("C:\\Users\\Vance\\Documents\\UTC\\Algorithm Analysis\\vertex-text.txt");
            string word;
            string strSource;
            string strEnd;
            string strWeight;
            int numSource;
            int edge;
            getline(infile, word);
                stringstream convert(word);
                    edge = 0;
                //edge number equals word[0]

                int pos;
                pos = word.find(" ");
                strSource = word.substr(0, pos);
                word = word.substr(pos+1);
                    stringstream convert(strSource);
                        numSource = 0;
                if(vertexTrack[numSource] == 0)
                    Vertex *vert;
                    vert = new Vertex;
                    vert->dist = 10000;
                    vert->known = false;
                    vert->vertNum = numSource;
                    directedGraph->addVertex(numSource, *vert);
                    vertexTrack[numSource] = numSource;
                    //this is the offending line

    return 0;

class file

#include <iostream>
#include "DirectGraph.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

DirectGraph::DirectGraph(): vertexList(100)
void DirectGraph::printShortestPath(int source)

void DirectGraph::addVertexEdge(int source, std::string end, std::string weight)
    std::list<std::string> edgeList;
    std::string strEdge = end + " " + weight;
    adjList[source] = edgeList;
void DirectGraph::addVertex(int index, Vertex vert)
    vertexList[index] = vert;
//this is the operator overload
Vertex DirectGraph::operator[](int i)
    return vertexList[i];

header file

#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

struct Vertex
    std::list<std::string> adj;
    bool known;
    int dist;
    int vertNum;
    Vertex *path;
class DirectGraph
        void printShortestPath(int source);
        void addVertexEdge(int source, std::string end, std::string weight);
        void addVertex(int index, Vertex vert);
        Vertex operator[](int i);
        std::vector<std::list<std::string> > adjList;
        std::vector<Vertex> vertexList;


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All 2 Replies

Your class DirectGraph has an overloaded [] operarator, but your variable directedGraph is a pointer to a DirectGraph object. Your call should look something like:


BTW: I see no good reason why you use a dynamically allocated object, but it's difficult to judge from the piece of code.

Your class DirectGraph has an overloaded [] operarator, but your variable directedGraph is a pointer to a DirectGraph object. Your call should look something like:


BTW: I see no good reason why you use a dynamically allocated object, but it's difficult to judge from the piece of code.

youre completely right. i changed it from dynamically allocated and everything works fine.

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