Dear All,
I have a code as below. First I call the readFile in here I can read the value into the name variable which I have declared as string. The problem now as I run the loop I want to put each of the name into an array of names which is the clientName. Here is where I am stuck char *isName = new char;*isName = name;strcpy(clientName[clientCount],isName);? Any help please? Thank you.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
void readFile(char* [],int []);
void caclulateInterest(char * [],int [],int []);
int main()
	int totalClient = 10;
	char *clientName[10];
	int clientSavings[10],clientInterest[10];

void readFile(char *clientName[],int clientSavings[])
	int clientCount=0;
	ifstream inFile;"example.txt");
		 string name="";
		 double salary = 0.00;	
		 char *isName = new char[20];
		 *isName = name;
	  cout<<"Failed to open";	
void caclulateInterest(char *clientName[],int clientSavings[],int clientInterest[])
   for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
	   cout<<"Name is : "<<*clientName[i];

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All 2 Replies

In readFile, first you use std::string and then you use C-strings. You should pick one and be consistent. If your concern is getline there is a version that is a member method of istream ( Also, line 35 will not work.

Dear Jonsa,
I should put like this is it std::string name="";. Can you tell me which one to pick I am quite confuse too ?

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