deadelgabar -11 Light Poster

HI everyone...
i`m working on access 2007.
i have two table called USER, and USER_PRIVILEGES
i created a form with bound text boxes and bound check boxes.
the text boxes are for the user information(first name, last name , ...etc)
the bound check boxes are for (print report, delete, modify ,....etc)
and a button save to add new user.
the question is..
how can i give for every user certain privileges.
the admin can delete, modify, or insert new data.
the regular agent can only view these data without modifying or deleting and can insert.
so what should be done is when i enter the user information i select some privileges.
so where should the code be........ ???????
i attached a picture of the administration form..
please if can anyone help that will so very kind of him.
thank for reading :)