I have this Code written but I am having problems with the While loop I need it to recognize if the password has less then 5 characters and if there are spaces. I just cannot get it working for the spaces. Can anyone help??

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string CheckPassword(string pass);

int main( )

	string login;
	string userName, password;
	vector<string> v;
	cout << "Enter your Username or 0 to stop:\n";

	while ( userName != "0" )

		password = CheckPassword(password);
		login = userName + ", " + password;


		cout << "Enter your Username or 0 to stop:\n";


	if (userName == "0")

    cout << "The logins are:\n";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size( ); i++)
        cout << v[i] << " " << "\n";
    cout << endl;

	system ("pause");
    return 0;

string CheckPassword(string pass)
	bool first = true;

			cout << "Password must be greater than 5 characters and contain no spaces:\n";
		cout << "Enter your Password:\n";
		first = false;
	while (pass.length() <= 5 || pass.find(' '));
		return pass;

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find() returns string::npos if not found, which is not the same thing as 0 or NULL.

Is there anything that works with strings to search for a space the way I have it set up now?

None other than the find() method. The while loop just needs a little adjusting to make it work correctly. use and && operator instead of or || because you want to check for less than 5 AND no spaces.

I tried and it still is not working can you show me what I might be doing wrong???

There is no reason for the parameter to the function. Also, the || operator is correct.

string CheckPassword()
    string pass;
	bool first = true;

			cout << "Password must be greater than 5 characters and contain no spaces:\n";
		cout << "Enter your Password:\n";
		first = false;
	while (pass.length() <= 5 || pass.find(' ') != string::npos);
		return pass;

Thanks for the help!!

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