plz help me with code c++ for binary full adder
that sum to binaryn like
+ 0110

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

const int LENGTH = 5;

char sumChars(char x, char y, char& carry);

int main()


char first[LENGTH + 1] = "10100";// 20
char second[LENGTH + 1] = "01110";// 14
char result[LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
char carry = '0';

cout << first << " + " << second << " = ";

for (int i = LENGTH - 1; i >= 0; --i)


result = SumChars(first, second, carry);

if (carry == '1')


if (i == 0)

if (first[i - 1] == '0')

first[i - 1] = '1';
carry = '0';

} else


first[i - 1] = '0';
carry = '1';




cout << result << "\n,carry = " << carry << endl;

return 0;

char sumChars(char x, char y, char& carry)

char res = '0';

if (x == '0' && y == '0')


res = '0';
carry = (carry == '1') ? '1' : '0';

} else if (x == '0' && y == '1')


res = '1';
carry = (carry == '1') ? '1' : '0';

} else if (x == '1' && y == '0')


res = '1';
carry = (carry == '1') ? '1' : '0';

} else if (x == '1' && y == '1')


res = '0';
carry = '1';


cout << x << " and " << y << " = " << res << " ,carry = " << carry << endl;
return res;

Recommended Answers

All 5 Replies

What exactly do you need help with?

sum of binary number

also we have situation that has carry
like this


yes my code do this
but it doesn't out the true ansewr

I understand that everything in your code seems to be working write.
you must be probably getting an output like this
1111+1111 = 1110 , carry=1

The problem with your program is that, its considering that 4 digits are the maximum space required for the result. (if a left-trailer of 0 is added your problem will be solved.)

actually during addition, you may want to consider something like this.
Then your program will be giving the right output..
This is because your carry is supposed to be added to the next SumChar() sequence.
As there is no digits , the program must assume 0's and then carry on the computation.

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