addi $t0, $s0,48
beq $t1, $t0, L1
L2: lw $t1, 16($t0)
srl $t2, $t1,3
bne $t2, $t0, L2
L1: sw $t2, 32($t1)
ori $s0, $s0, 0xFF7F
j L1

if the machine code equivalent to the above MIPS codes is loaded in memory at starting address 0xd24fc91c, wat exact binary values will be used in the address/offset fields of the machine code for the instructions beq, bne and j?

addi $t0, $s0,48
beq $t1, $t0, L1
L2: lw $t1, 16($t0)
srl $t2, $t1,3
bne $t2, $t0, L2
L1: sw $t2, 32($t1)
ori $s0, $s0, 0xFF7F
j L1

if the machine code equivalent to the above MIPS codes is loaded in memory at starting address 0xd24fc91c, wat exact binary values will be used in the address/offset fields of the machine code for the instructions beq, bne and j?

Use SPIM simulator to find out

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