I am a beginner in c++ and now i reached in array processing binary search. my program is being compiled but it is not showing any result. Please help me out.


 int n=10;

  void main(){

  	int a[n] , l , initial, final, mid,data;

   	for(l=0; l<n; l++)
      	      cin >> a[l] ;

      cout << "Enter the data to be searched.";
        	cin >> data;

      mid=(initial + final) /2 ;

      while((initial<=final)  && (a[mid] !=  data ))
       if(data < a[mid])
      final = mid - 1;
      initial = mid + 1;

        if(data == a[mid])
        cout << "Data present in the list.";
        cout << "Data is not in the list.";


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if i write the no. from 1-10 and when i write 5 for the data to be searched it shows the correct result but except 5 it stucks there with no result.

You are not updating the mid variable..

please show me the way or tell where can i add som missing codes

i did it. thanks vidit :)

if(data < a[mid])
      final = mid - 1;
      initial = mid + 1;
      mid=(initial + final) /2 ;
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