
I'm currently writing a program which converts a number from binary to int. That part is done, but I'm now trying to check wheither the input string only consists of 1 and 0.

This is what I've tried so far, but it doesnt work the way I want.

string binarynumber;
            bool binaryLoop = true;
            Console.Writeline("Please type in a binary number: ");
            binaryNumber = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());
            while (binaryLoop)
                    foreach (char digit in binaryNumber)
                        int digit = Convert.ToInt32(siffer.ToString());
                        if (digit == 1 || digit == 0)
                            binaryLoop = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("The binary number can only be 1 and 0, please retype");

                    Console.WriteLine("The binary number can only be 1 and 0, please retype");;

Any hint? Or better methods?

Regards Asotop.

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All 8 Replies

hi, check this, just changed your code.

string binarynumber;
                bool binaryLoop = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Please type in a binary number: ");
                binarynumber = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());
                while (binaryLoop)
                        foreach (char digit in binarynumber)
                            //int digit = Convert.ToInt32(siffer.ToString());
                            if (digit == '1' || digit == '0')
                                binaryLoop = false;
                                //Console.WriteLine("The binary number can only be 1 and 0, please retype");
                                throw new FormatException();
                        Console.WriteLine("works fine");
                        Console.WriteLine("The binary number can only be 1 and 0, please retype");

Put a break after line 15, there is no need to continue checking if the rest of the digits are 0 or 1 after you've found one that fails.

You could also use a Regex

if (Regex.Match(binarynumber, "^[01]+$") == null) {
    // not a binary number
} else {
    // is a binary number

Or a bit more suphisitcated, using checking if char is number (and a bit different checking of binary data):

bool bExit = false;
  Console.WriteLine("Please type in a binary number: ");
  string binarynumber = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());
  while (!bExit)
      foreach (char digit in binaryNumber)
              int digit = Convert.ToInt32(new string();
              if (digit != '1' || digit != '0')
                   Console.WriteLine("The binary number can only be 1 and 0, please retype");   
                   bExit = true; //char is not 0 or 1
               bExit = true; // char is not a number!
      break; // all ok!
       // when code exits the loop, you can continue working, it will 

Thanks alot, still learning about the different possibilities with Regex, I'll look into each solution.


It's almost working now, but if i type in, lets say 10201, it will still go through.

Maybe I shouldent use a foreach loop at all? I won't use the Regex, cause my teacher doesn't approve of it, he prefers doing it the hard way :P

Check this out:

bool bExit = false;
            bool bReType = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Please type in a binary number: ");
            while (!bExit)
                while (!bReType)
                    string binarynumber = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());
                    foreach (char digit in binarynumber.ToCharArray())
                        if (char.IsDigit(digit))
                            int myInt = int.Parse(digit.ToString());
                            if (myInt != 1 && myInt != 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("The binary number can only be 1 and 0, please re-type");
                                bReType = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("The char is not a number, please re-type.");
                            bReType = true;
                    if (!bReType)
                        bReType = true;
                        bExit = true;
                bReType = false;
            // when code exits the loop, you can continue working, it will

Thanks alot.

its working fine for me, i tested n then pasted that code, may be u can paste the code that u have included, i can check.
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