A lot of problems here. I was to write a program that sorts an array. I had problems overwriting data in an array so I thought I could store the sorted array in another array. Basically it looks for the smallest value, stores it in the first spot, then finds the second smallest and puts in next spot, and so on and so forth. compiler gave:
syntax error on line 125: >s. I don't know what's going on. Help?

	.globl __start

	la $a0,askc
	li $v0,4

	li $v0,5

	sw $v0,count
	move $t7,$v0
	add $t7,$t7,1
	li $t8,1
	la $t0,array

lask:	la $a0,ask
	li $v0,4
	move $a0,$t8
	li $v0,1

	la $a0,thing
	li $v0,4

	li $v0,5

	sw $v0,($t0)
	add $t0,$t0,4
	add $t8,$t8,1
	bne $t8,$t7,lask

	la $t0,array
	la $t1,arrys
	lw $t2,count
	lw $t3,($t0)
	la $t4,0 #outer loop count
	la $t5,1

	#la $t0,array
loopi:	lw $t6,($t0)
	ble $t3,$t6,noswap
	move $t3,$t6
noswap:	add $t0,$t0,4
	add $t4,$t4,1
	ble $t4,$t2,loopi

	sw $t3,($t1)
	add $t1,$t1,4
	la $t4,1

loop1:	#la $t3,0
	la $t0,array
	lw $t6,($t0)
	add $t0,$t0,4
	la $t5,1
loop2:	lw $t7,($t0)
	j if1
back:	add $t5,$t5,1
	add $t0,$t0,4
	ble $t5,$t2,loop2
	sw $t6,($t1)
	add $t1,$t1,4
	add $t4,$t4,1
	move $t3,$t6
	ble $t4,$t2,loop1
	j endsort
if1:	ble $t7,$t6,if2
	j elif

if2:	ble $t7,$t3,back
swt:	move $t6,$t7
	j back

elif:	ble $t6,$t3,swt
	j back

	la $t0,arrys	
	lw $t4,count
	add $t4,$t4,1
	la $t8,1

prnum:	la $a0,de
	li $v0,4
prr:	move $a0,$t8
	li $v0,1

	la $a0,thing
	li $v0,4

	lw $a0,($t0)
	li $v0,1

	la $a0,endl
	li $v0,4

	add $t0,$t0,4
	add $t8,$t8,1
	beq $t8,$t4,dn
	j prr

dn:	li $v0,10	

array:	.space 80
arrys:	.space 80
count:	.word 0
askc:	.asciiz "Enter count: "
ask:	.asciiz "Enter number "
thing:	.asciiz ": "
de:	.asciiz "Sorted array:\n"
endl:	.asciiz "\n"

I did say I couldn't get it to compile so if someone could just run it for me and see if they get the same problem as me that would help to.

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