Im trying to change this modified blackjack game to where there is no computer. A choice of either two or three players is asked with three cards dealt instead. How can I i change this current code to 1) prompt user for either 2 or 3 players(no computer), 2) have a 2 or 3 player game that works. Any idea or input is welcomed, thanks!

from random import choice as rc
def total(hand):
    # how many aces in the hand
    aces = hand.count(11)
    # to complicate things a little the ace can be 11 or 1
    # this little while loop figures it out for you
    t = sum(hand)
    return t
# a suit of cards in blackjack assume the following values
cards = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11]
total_deck = cards * 4

# there are 4 suits per deck and usually several decks
# this way you can assume the cards list to be an unlimited pool
cwin = 0  # computer win counter
pwin = 0  # player win counter
while True:
    player = []
    # draw 2 cards for the player to start
    pbust = False  # player busted flag
    cbust = False  # computer busted flag
    while True:
        # loop for the player's play ...
        tp = total(player)
        print "The player has these cards %s with a total value of %d" % (player, tp)
        if tp > 31:
            print "--> The player is busted!"
            pbust = True
        elif tp == 31:
            print "\a BLACKJACK!!!"
            hs = raw_input("Hit or Stand/Done (h or s): ").lower()
            if 'h' in hs:
    while True:
        # loop for the computer's play ...
        comp = []
        # dealer generally stands around 27 or 28
        while True:
            tc = total(comp)                
            if tc < 28:
        print "the computer has %s for a total of %d" % (comp, tc)
        # now figure out who won ...
        if tc > 31:
            print "--> The computer is busted!"
            cbust = True
            if pbust == False:
                print "The player wins!"
                pwin += 1
        elif tc > tp:
            print "The computer wins!"
            cwin += 1
        elif tc == tp:
            print "It's a draw!"
        elif tp > tc:
            if pbust == False:
                print "The player wins!"
                pwin += 1
            elif cbust == False:
                print "The computer wins!"
                cwin += 1
    print "Wins, player = %d  computer = %d" % (pwin, cwin)
    exit = raw_input("Press Enter (q to quit): ").lower()
    if 'q' in exit:
print "Thanks for playing blackjack with the computer!"

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Help for copy paster not stating origin of the given code and not one line of his own effort can expect similar amount of help.

I didnt think it was all important, im not claiming it as my own work. I just wanted to modify it to the certain specs. Sorry if i didnt state the origin.

You should refactor the code for player to function and do your own main program book keeping routine main loop. Better to have list of list for player name and score or list of dicts.

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