hi every body
i m doing project of hand gestures detection using open cv .so pls guide me how i detect hand from video .

hi every body
i m doing project of hand gestures detection using open cv .so pls guide me how i detect hand from video .

I would love to help, but can you give any more information on what it exactly is you are trying to do? Personally, I am not familiar with open cv, have you tried reading the information at http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/?

Edit: I think i know what you are tryin to do. Do you want to use open cv to detect and translate sign language? I would definitely start with reading the wiki on how the open cv library works. Good luck, you have quite an adventure ahead of you.

i got the video from cam using open cv now i want to detect hand and recognize the gestures
plz guide me from where i start to firstly detect the hand from video

Can you retrieve each image frame from the video? That's the first thing you need to do.

After you can obtain each image frame, there are many ways to do the object detection in an image. However, there are many factors you may need to restrict your detection rules. How do you define a "hand" in this case? Would the hand be moving? What the background of the image? What shape the hand would be like? How big a hand is in the image? Any possible noise in the image (i.e. objects obstruct the hand)?

You may also need to do edge detection in order to get the hand edges. Pick an algorithm for edge detection. If you try to detect a hand from a colorful image, I guarantee you that you will have a lot of headache.

You see that there is a lot of work cut out for you before you can actually do the object recognition...

hi taywin
can u send me any visual c++ code for hand detection using open cv with explanation.

commented: Show a bit of effort and quit begging for code. -3

can any one help me?

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