hello guys my code is not giving me any errors but wont execute the task it just loops can, anyone help me debug it. its a code for extracting book information from a chinese website. thanks in advance.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace BookInfoCrawler1
  class ChinaPubCrawler : DeepCrawler
    public ChinaPubCrawler(String keyword)
      : base(keyword)

    public override void update()
      String url = "http://search.china-pub.com/s/?key1=" + _keyword + "&type=&pz=1&t=2";
      String pageContent = getPageContent(url);

      if (getBookCount(pageContent) > 0)

        DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
          // use concurrent method simply
          ConcurrentStack<String> pageData = new ConcurrentStack<String>();
          Parallel.For(1, _webInfo._pageCount+1, pageIndex =>
            String newUrl = url + "&page=" + pageIndex;

          while (pageData.TryPop(out pageContent))
            foreach (string oneBook in getAllBook(pageContent))
          // traditional method

         // {
       //     String newUrl = url + "&page=" + pageIndex;
        //    pageContent = getPageContent(newUrl);

        //    foreach (string oneBook in getAllBook(pageContent))
        //    {
          //    extractBookInfo(oneBook);
          //  }
    //      }

        DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now;
        _costTime = (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds;

      if (_webInfo._bookCount != _bookInfos.Count)
        _webInfo._bookCount = _bookInfos.Count;

    protected override int getBookCount(String pageContent)
        String keyword = "break";
        String pattern = generateTagPattern(keyword);
        Regex reg = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
        MatchCollection mc = reg.Matches(pageContent);

        if (mc.Count == 0)
          Console.WriteLine("No matching book!");
          String bookStuff = mc[0].Value;
          //<p>使用 <span>xml</span> 搜索,共有 <span>534  种</span> 商品</p>
          String bookPattern = "<span>([0-9]+?).+</span>";
          Regex bookReg = new Regex(bookPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

          _webInfo._bookCount = Convert.ToInt32(bookReg.Match(bookStuff).Groups[1].Value);

          Console.WriteLine("OK, we got " + _webInfo._bookCount + " books now!");
      catch (System.Exception webEx)

      return _webInfo._bookCount;

    protected override int getPageCount(String pageContent)
      _webInfo._pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(_webInfo._bookCount / 20.0));
      return _webInfo._pageCount;

    protected override List<String> getAllBook(String pageContent)
      List<String> allBooks = new List<String>();
        String majorPattern = generateTagPattern("listview");
        Regex majorReg = new Regex(majorPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
        Match majorMatch = majorReg.Match(pageContent);

        // <pre><a target="_blank" href="http://product.china-pub.com/29851">
        String pattern = "<pre><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"(.+?)\"";
        Regex reg = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        MatchCollection mc = reg.Matches(majorMatch.Value);

        if (mc.Count > 0)
          //foreach (Match match in mc)
          //  allBooks.Add(match.Value);

          // use concurrent method simply
          ConcurrentStack<String> pageData = new ConcurrentStack<String>();
          Parallel.For(0, mc.Count, idx =>

          String tmpPageContent;
          while (pageData.TryPop(out tmpPageContent))
          Console.WriteLine("No matching content!");
      catch (System.Exception webEx)

      return allBooks;

    protected override void extractBookInfo(String bookContent)
      BookInfo bookInfo;
      bookInfo._name = String.Empty;
      bookInfo._author = String.Empty;
      bookInfo._description = String.Empty;
      bookInfo._price = String.Empty;
      bookInfo._discount = String.Empty;
      bookInfo._webSite = "www.china-pub.com";

      Match _match;

      #region BookName
      // <h1 class="black15c" id='js_shuming'>Java Web开发详解--XML+XSLT+Servlet+JSP深入剖析与实例应用 (被《程序员》等机构评选为2006年最受读者喜爱的十大IT图书之一)</h1>
      String keyword = "js_shuming";
      String pattern = "<(?<HtmlTag>[\\w]+)[^>]*\\s[iI][dD]=(?<Quote>[\"']?)" + keyword + "(?(Quote)\\k<Quote>)[\"']?[^>]*>((?<Nested><\\k<HtmlTag>[^>]*>)|</\\k<HtmlTag>>(?<-Nested>)|.*?)*</\\k<HtmlTag>>"; ;
      Regex reg = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
      MatchCollection mc = reg.Matches(bookContent);
      bookInfo._name = mc[0].Value;

      #region BookAuthor
      String mainPattern = generateTagPattern("lcon more-infos");
      Regex mainReg = new Regex(mainPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
      Match mainMatch = mainReg.Match(bookContent);

      String authorPattern = "<a href=.+?<strong>(.+?)</strong>";
      Regex authorReg = new Regex(authorPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

      mc = authorReg.Matches(bookContent);
      foreach (Match match in mc)
        bookInfo._author += match.Groups[1].Value + " ";
      bookInfo._author = bookInfo._author.Trim();

      #region BookDescription
      String descriPattern = generateTagPattern("neirong");
      Regex descriReg = new Regex(descriPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);

      _match = descriReg.Match(bookContent);
      bookInfo._description = _match.Groups[1].Value;
      bookInfo._description = bookInfo._description.Replace("<br />", String.Empty);
      bookInfo._description = bookInfo._description.Replace("\n", " ");
      bookInfo._description = bookInfo._description.Trim();

      #region BookPrice
      mainPattern = generateTagPattern("price-area");
      mainReg = new Regex(mainPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
      _match = mainReg.Match(bookContent);

      String pricePattern = "<li>.+?¥(.+?)</li>";
      Regex priceReg = new Regex(pricePattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

      _match = priceReg.Match(_match.Value);
      bookInfo._price = _match.Groups[1].Value;
      bookInfo._price = bookInfo._description.Trim();

      #region discount
      String discountPattern = "\"discount\">(.+?)<";
      Regex discountReg = new Regex(discountPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

      _match = discountReg.Match(bookContent);
      bookInfo._discount = _match.Groups[1].Value;

      // make sure it is a right book what we need
      if (bookInfo._name.Contains(_keyword))


Have you tried stepping through it? I see some fishy looking lines, namely:

if (true) 

Seems like some useless logic. Try stepping through it and post your findings.

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