dors_zone 0 Newbie Poster

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; // allow use of standard names like cin, cout, etc.

int main (void)
char answer1, answer2, answer3, answer4, stall; // capital letters selected by the test taker.
int numberCorrect=0; // to determine the IQ

cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" ******************************************************************************"<<endl;
cout<<" * *"<<endl;
cout<<" * @@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@ *"<<endl;
cout<<" * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ *"<<endl;
cout<<" * @ @ @ @ @@@ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@ *"<<endl;
cout<<" * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ *"<<endl;
cout<<" * @@@ @@ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@@@ *"<<endl;
cout<<" * *"<<endl;
cout<<" ******************************************************************************"<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "\n The following short quiz consists of 4 questions which will indicate whether";
cout << "\n you are qualified to be a professional. The questions are NOT that difficult.";
cout << "\n \n";
cout<<" "<<endl;

cout << " 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?\n";
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << " A: I do not have a giraffe."<<endl;
cout << " B: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door."<<endl;
cout << " C: There is no sensible answer to this."<<endl;
cout << " D: You must first go to the zoo and obtain a giraffe.."<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << " Select one answer and enter its capital letter (followed by a carriage return).\n";
cin >> answer1;
cout <<"\n\n The correct answer is B"<< endl<<endl <<endl;
//Question 1 tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

cout << "2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?" <<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "A: I do not have an elephant."<<endl;
cout << "B: Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the door."<<endl;
cout << "C: Call any Republican."<<endl;
cout << "D: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, and close the door."<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "Select one answer and enter its letter.\n";

cin>> answer2;
cout <<"\n\n The correct answer is D"<< endl<<endl <<endl;
//Question 2 tests your ability to think through the repercussions
// of your previous actions.

cout << "3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one.";
cout <<" Which animal does not attend?" <<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "A: The ant."<<endl;
cout << "B: The giraffe."<<endl;
cout << "C: The elephant."<<endl;
cout << "D: You are mistaken. No one would disobey the Lion King."<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "Select one answer and enter its letter.\n";

cin>> answer3;
cout <<"\n\n The correct answer is C. "<<endl;
cout<<" The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there."<< endl<<endl <<endl;
//Question 3 tests memory. You still have one more chance to show your true abilities.

cout << "4. There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles."<<endl;
cout <<" You do not have a boat. How do you manage it?" <<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "A: Put an ad in EBay and buy a boat."<<endl;
cout << "B: Jump in the river and swim across."<<endl;
cout << "C: Take a plane and fly across."<<endl;
cout << "D: Sometimes you can't cross every river."<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout << "Select one answer and enter its letter.\n";

cin>> answer4;
cout <<"\n\n The correct answer is B."<<endl;
cout << " All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting."<<endl;
cout << " Have you not been listening?"<< endl<<endl <<endl;
//Question 4 tests whether you lean quickly from your mistakes.

//calculate IQ
if (answer1=='B')
if (answer2=='D')
if (answer3=='C')
if (answer4=='B')
if (numberCorrect<=0)
cout << " You are a lame brain."<<endl;
if (numberCorrect==1)
cout << " You are a dim bulb."<<endl;
if (numberCorrect==2)
cout << " You are so-so."<<endl;
if (numberCorrect==3)
cout << " You are pretty smart."<<endl;
if (numberCorrect==4)
cout << " You are a genius."<<endl;

cout <<" Enter any character and <CR> to quit."<<endl;
cin>> stall;

return 0; //successful completion of project

This is an Iq test...n did anyone i want to put song on this project...above is the source code. can anyone help me... any song in wav format or others..thanks

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