I am having trouble getting MS Visual C++ to recognize my input for the 2nd getline I have listed. It already recognizes getline(cin, firstName) and allows for input, but won't recognize the second instance of getline. When the program gets to that line of output, it bunches the next two cout statements together like this:
Tell us the name of the item you wish to buy? How many of these would you like to purchase today?
The code should give the user a chance to enter the name of the item and allow for spaces, but it shows the output without allowing for the input and posts the next input statement instead. Here is the code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//declare variables
string firstName = "";
string itemName = "";
int itemQuantity = 0;
const double STORE_DISCOUNT = 0.35;
double originalPrice = 0.0;
double totalAfterQuantity = 0.0;
double totalBeforeQuantity = 0.0;
int yearsLived = 0;
//welcome the user and explain the purpose of the software
cout << "Welcome to Mike's Hardware! ";
cout << "We would like to get to know a little bit about you. ";
//enter input items
cout << "Please tell us your first name. " << endl;
getline(cin, firstName);
cout << "So, " << firstName << " how many years have you lived
in this community? " << endl;
cin >> yearsLived;
cout << "Thanks, " << firstName << "." " Now, please tell us the
name of the item you are looking to buy. " << endl;
getline(cin, itemName);
cout << firstName<< ", how many of these would you like
to purchase today? " << endl;
cin >> itemQuantity;
cout << firstName << ", what is the original advertised
price for this item? " << endl;
cin >> originalPrice;
//calculate total before quantity and total after quantity
totalBeforeQuantity = originalPrice - (originalPrice * STORE_DISCOUNT);
totalAfterQuantity = totalBeforeQuantity * itemQuantity;
//display the first name, item name, original price,
total before quantity, item quantity, total after quantity,
years lived
cout << "Well," << firstName << " you asked for the new price
for a(n) " << itemName << ". With the 35% discount
today, our " << itemName << " has been marked down from the
advertised price of $" << originalPrice << " down to a
new price of $" << totalBeforeQuantity << ". So, since you
want to buy " << itemQuantity << " of these, your total
cost for them comes to $" << totalAfterQuantity << ". Since
you have lived around here for " << yearsLived << "
years, I am surprised we have not met you before. But, we
are awfully glad to count you as a valued customer.
Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you again soon." << endl;
return 0;
} //end of main function