I have a problem with my combobox. I've set DataSource which contains a list of objects, DisplayMember and also ValueMember but there are times when the combobox displays the namespace where the object class is placed. For example: Project.Interface.Object

cmbAuto.DataSource = Collections.ProfileList.FindAll(t => t.IsAuto);
cmbAuto.DisplayMember = "Name";
cmbAuto.ValueMember = "ID";
cmbAuto.SelectedIndex = -1;

Can you please give me an advice in order to solve this?
Thank you

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Its caused by passing an object to the datasource and not an actual value within the object.


TextBox txtExample = new TextBox();
Console.WriteLine(txtExample.ToString()); //Outputs the literal textbox class to a string
Console.WriteLine(txtExample.Text); //Outputs the text field value

You need to ensure your not passing a class into the DG.

Thank you a lot. I've seen that if I override the class, then the problem disappears.

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