I have a program that is suppose to find the percentage of occupied rooms in the hotel. I have most of my program running, but when I try to typecast my percentage the percentage isn't coming out right and I am not sure as to why. I have set a break point and the percentage value is always 0 I'm not sure as to well. I have to have this in TypeCasting I would love to run all doubles but I'm not allowed.
Can someone please take a look at my code to see why this isn't working?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int occupied = 0,floors = 0,rooms = 0, heartBreak = 0;
    int percentage = 0, total = 0, occupiedTotal = 0,unoccupied = 0, unoccupiedTotal = 0;
    int mostempty = 0, HBfloor;

    cout << "How many floors does the hotel have? ";
    cin >> floors;

    while (floors < 1 )   // Validate input
        cout << "Please enter floors greater than or equal to ten.\n";
        cout << "How many floors does the hotel have? ";
        cin >> floors;

    //Run a for loop to get the amount of rooms, and it's occupancy rate!
    for (int cnt = 1; cnt<=floors; cnt++)
        if (cnt == 2)//Skip Floor two

        cout << "How many rooms are on floor "<<cnt<<"?";
        cin >> rooms;

        while (rooms < 10)   // Validate input
            cout << "Please enter rooms greater than or equal to ten.\n";
            cout << "How many rooms are on floor "<<cnt<<"?";
            cin >> rooms;
        total += rooms;//Accumulator

        cout<<"How many of those are occupied?";
        cin>> occupied;

        while(occupied > rooms)//validate input
            cout<<"Error, Number of occupied rooms cannot exceed rooms listed \n";
            cout<<"How many of those are occupied?";
            cin>> occupied;
        occupiedTotal += occupied;//Accumulator
        unoccupied = rooms - occupied;
        if (unoccupied > mostempty)//find the floor with the least amount of rooms occupied
            mostempty = unoccupied;
            HBfloor = cnt;


        //Processing Section
        unoccupied =  total - occupiedTotal;
        percentage =  occupiedTotal / double(total);

        cout<<"The hotel has a total " <<total<< " rooms!"<<endl;
        cout<<occupiedTotal<< " are occupied."<<endl;
        cout<<unoccupied<<" are empty."<<endl;
        cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1);
        cout<<"The occupancy rate is "<<percentage<<"%"<<endl;
        cout<<"The heartbreak floor is "<<HBfloor<<" with "<<mostempty<<" empty rooms." <<endl;
        return 0;

line 70 is attempting to store a value that is less than zero into an integer, which can not hold such values. If you are not allowed to use doubles than multiply the result of the division by 100 and assign that to the integer. Example: (1/2) * 100 = 0.5 * 100 = 50, meaning 50%.

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