Is it possible to have string in a richtextbox checked for pronouns and then make them all upper case? I'm a little familiar with the class method 'ToUpper' but don't know how to go from there. I have a richtextbox on my form and I want to check for any person's names. If there is a name, it has to be all Caps before it's created on the Excel Document

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Do you mean pronouns or do you mean proper nouns. In one case you want words like I, me, he, they, etc. This can be done by using a regular expression to identify the enumerated strings bounded by non-letters. However, if you mean proper nouns then I can't see how that can be done because it is impossible to build a list of all names to look for.

you're not clear with your question

Is it possible to have string in a richtextbox checked for pronouns ...
... and I want to check for any person's names

and i agree with Reverend_Jim, there can be tons of names and you'll never know if the name is just made up. Whereas in pronouns you can list them then scan for them in the richtextbox

Proper nouns because if the user types a small dictation in the rich textbox, some users have forgotten to make the proper nouns/names in all caps. i.e. JOHN H DOE. I figured it was a long shot, but wanted to put that question out there and see. thanks guys.

Well, if you really want to, you can just include the famous names and the common ones just like in ms word.

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