hi everybody, im doing a project in vb 2010 its a simple "guess the number between 1 and 30"
i have it all finished working properly , my only remaining issue is, if i enter a character or letter into the combobox, it crashes the system. i got a piece of code to counter the issue but its message box appears everytime i press enter. its running in sync with the game instead of only when an invalid entry occurs.
Private Sub btnEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnter.Click 'enter pressed
If Not IsNumeric(cboRange.Text) Then cboRange.Text = "0"
MsgBox("You Have Entered Invalid Characters, Please Try Again")
(above is the code than stops wrong input,by right the next line should be "else" but it wont accept it)
num = cboRange.Text 'num reassigned to value of cboRange box
lblX.Text = X
lblInstructions.Text = "" 'clear instructions
lblInstructions2.Text = "" 'clear instructions
txtAttempts.Text = Val(txtAttempts.Text) + 1 'update attempt counter +1 everytime
If num = X Then 'if num equals X
txtHint.Text = "YOU WIN!!!!" 'output message in textbox
MsgBox("Congratulations!!!") 'display output on message box
Me.BackgroundImage = ImageList1.Images(8) 'display background image
msg = " do you want to Exit" 'messagebox for instructions
title = "MsgBox Close" 'option box
style = MsgBoxStyle.Critical Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel 'options displayed
response = MsgBox(msg, style, title) 'responses in order
If response = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then 'user choose yes
'perform some action
Me.BackgroundImage = ImageList1.Images(14) 'Show background image
MsgBox("You have played " & txtGamesPlayed.Text & " games") 'show statistics
MsgBox("Your Average Guess Total is " & txtAttempts.Text / txtGamesPlayed.Text) 'show statistics
MsgBox("THANK YOU FOR PLAYING THE GUESSING GAME!!") 'display output in textbox
End 'close the programme
ElseIf MsgBoxResult.No Then 'user choose no
txtGamesPlayed.Text = Val(txtGamesPlayed.Text) + 1 'update games counter +1
txtAverage.Text = "Your Average is " & txtAttempts.Text / txtGamesPlayed.Text 'show statistics
MsgBox("You have played " & txtGamesPlayed.Text & " games") 'show statistics
MsgBox("Your Average Guess Total is " & txtAttempts.Text / txtGamesPlayed.Text) 'show statistics
Randomize() 'generate random number
X = randomClass.Next(min, max) 'between min & max values
txtHint.Clear() 'clear textbox
txtAttempts.Clear() 'clear textbox
txtAttempts.Text = "0" 'assign 0 to textbox
lblX.Text = ""
Me.BackgroundImage = ImageList1.Images(13) 'display image
cboRange.Text = "0" 'reset range to zero
Return 'refresh screen
ElseIf MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then 'user choose cancel
'perform some action
txtGamesPlayed.Text = Val(txtGamesPlayed.Text) + 1 'update game counter+1
txtAverage.Text = "Your Average is " & txtAttempts.Text / txtGamesPlayed.Text 'show statistics
MsgBox("You have played " & txtGamesPlayed.Text & " games") 'show statistics
MsgBox("Your Average Guess Total is " & txtAttempts.Text / txtGamesPlayed.Text) 'show statistics
txtHint.Clear() 'clear textbox
txtAttempts.Clear() 'clear textbox
txtAttempts.Text = "0" 'assign 0 to textbox
Me.BackgroundImage = ImageList1.Images(13) 'display image
cboRange.Text = "0" 'reset range to zero
lblX.Text = ""
Randomize() 'generate random number
X = randomClass.Next(min, max) 'between min & max values
Return 'refresh screen
End If 'end statement
End If 'end statement
If num < X Then 'if num less
txtHint.Text = ("You are too low!!!") 'output message in hint
Me.BackgroundImage = ImageList1.Images(12) 'display image
End If 'end statement
If num > X Then 'if num greater
txtHint.Text = ("You are too high!!!") 'output message in hint
Me.BackgroundImage = ImageList1.Images(11) 'display image
End If 'end statement
If num < min And num > max Then 'for invalid entry
MsgBox("you have entered a number outside the range, Please try again") 'display message box
End If 'end statement
end sub
clubberlangMayo 0 Newbie Poster
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Begginnerdev commented: True +8
Begginnerdev 256 Junior Poster
clubberlangMayo 0 Newbie Poster
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