I am writing a program to divide my entire database (which comprises of words(A-Z) and phonemic definitions of the corresponding word on the same line) into small text files that become manageable if they are to be read by an 8-bit microcontrolling unit. The database is sorted.

Right now at this stage I am only counting the characters in the smaller sub-divisions of the database. The strategy that I have used to divide my database is first I read the first character of the database and identify the character read after that I read the second character and group them or classify them into one array entry i.e. my array contains the number of characters in AA, AB,AC....BA,BB,BC........ZA,ZY,ZZ, a total of 676 values (26*26).

The problem I am facing is that the output is just not right and I have verified it using a Hex editor.

I am attaching the a ver small sample of the database. The entire database can be found here: https://cmusphinx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cmusphinx/trunk/cmudict/

int main(){
FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("database2.txt","r");          //Error checking
{printf("Error opening file!");
 int arr[676], ch='A', ch1='A', count=0, i=0, j=0, k=0, l=0; /* array of 26*26 entries for AA..ZZ, ch and ch1 for           
                                                            reading the first 2 characters of the file,
                                                             count variable to count
                                                            the characters and other variable that serve as indices
                                                            for looping.*/
char a='A', a1='A';                                 // 2 char variables for comparing the first 2 characters of
                                                    // any word                                             
for(i;i<676;i++)                                         //initializing array elements to 0...

while((ch=fgetc(fp))!=EOF&&a<='Z')                           /*read first character & check for EOF, 
                                                            loop until a is within the A-Z boundary  

if(ch==a)                                                   //is 1st character=a?

ch1=fgetc(fp);                                              //read 2nd character if 1st comparison is passed.

        count+=2;                           //increment count to 2 because we have already read 2 chars
        while(ch1!='\n'&&ch1!=EOF)          //increment until new line is not reached, store in array

        else                    //ch1!=a1
        if(ch1>='A'&&ch1<='Z')   //enter block only if ch1 is a valid alphabet
        if(ch1>a1)              // ch1 is greater than a1 because the database is sorted

        for(j=0;j<(ch1-a1);j++)  //ch1 is subtracted from a1 to
        i++;                    //increment the index to store in appropriate position.
        count+=2;               //make count=0 as we have read a word belonging to a new entry
        a1=ch1;     //set the variable a1 such that on the next iteration control passes to the if(ch1==a1) block 
        while(ch1!='\n'&&ch1!=EOF)  //as we have read 2 chars of a new word, count upto /n and store    

        else            //if in the database we encounter A..Z and some special character then we skip eg A'.. or A. etc



else //if the 1st character of the word is not equal to the current variable a, then we increment a 
{        // database contains entries ranging from A to Z, no alphabet is missed out,
        // hence we can increment a to point to next character  

    count=0; //initialize count to 0 as we are going to fill a new entry in array.
    ch1=fgetc(fp); //get 2nd character of the word
    if(ch1>='A'&&ch1<='Z')   //2nd char should be between A-Z.//

    if(ch1>a1||ch1==a1)     // the 2nd char is greater than the current variable a1 or ch==a1
    {for(k=0;k<(26+(ch1-a1));k++) //wrap around! eg if previous 2 chars were AB... and the current chars are BC... or BB...
    i++;                            //then increment the pointer to the appropriate position
    while(ch1!='\n'&&ch1!=EOF)      //read the first 2 chars, read the entire word...

    else { //if 2nd char is less than variable a1 eg. previous words' starting letters are AY 
    for(l=0;l<(('Z'-a1)+(ch1-'A')+1);l++) //and current words' starting letters are BC 
    while(ch1!='\n'&&ch1!=EOF)      //read the first 2 chars, read the entire word...




        while(ch1!='\n'&&ch1!=EOF)      //valid 1st char and invalid 2nd char, skip...



for(j=0;j<676;j++)       //print
printf("%d ",arr[j]);


    return 0;

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All 2 Replies

There is no worse description of a probem than "it's just not right"! :(

Give a specific description and an example of the problem.

"Just not right" ---> WTF!

Hey thanks for your time and effort. Sorry, I didn't post the exact descrption of the problem. Anyways I figured it out. Many thanks!

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