Dim pdf As String 
        Dim pdfByteArray As Byte() '
        Dim lLenPdf As Integer = Len("C:\file.pdf")
        Dim mypdf(100000)() As Byte 
        Dim numBytes As Long = pdfFile.Length '
        Dim data As Byte() = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\file.pdf")
        myInitialBytes.Add(New Byte() {&H0, &H25})


SQL Connection code….
 Dim Local_Connection As New  _

        Local_Command.CommandText = "Insertpdf"
        Local_Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        Local_Command.Connection = Local_Connection

        Local_Command.CommandTimeout = 30


It looks like you're reading the file and storing the bytes in data. But, no where is there any code that tries to send data to the database

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