Please i got a problem linking my .cpp files together in my c++ project. I dnt knw how to specify the file path for #include . Please any help?

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Please could you include an example to your problem? It's kind of hard to find out where you are going wrong, but, here is an example (of what I assume you are trying to do):

// Test.h 

class Test {


      Test(); // constructor 

      void doSomethingCreative();


And then your implementation of this class:

#include "Test.h" // assuming the header file is called "Test.h"

   // constructor implementation

void Test::doSomethingCreative()
    // Method implemenation

At compile time, we just need to compile the .cpp file over the .h So, therefore your main will look something like so:

#include <iostream>
#include "Test.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   Test t;


To compile, again, using GCC would be something like:

g++ Test.cpp main.cpp -o main

Hope this helps slightly.

U are awesome man! Thanks, u've done it all. +u solved a little problem i had with oop c++

No problem :) Please make this thread as solved and give rep to those who helped you

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