I have a DataGridView whose DataSource is a DataView based off of a Datable.
I am allowing the user to filter the DataGridView based on value in cells within a Column.
After the user selects the value to filter - I create a filter string and apply it to the Datatable and then create a DataView based on the DataTable's filtered records set. Then, the DataGridView Datasource is now the new DataView.
All works well at this point.
However, as soon as the user edits a cell in the column that was filtered, and that value is different than the value sent as part of the filter string - the DataGridView then gets refiltered immediately - almosts like deleting a row.
Is there a way to make this behavior similar to Excel where you can lets say filter a column for "blanks" - and then even if the user edits the cells that are blank, that original filtered dataset remains until the user unfilters?