i am a begginer and so far this what i have

def minimum(y,l):

        a= min([l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3],l[4])

    return a

def menu(x,l): 
    if x == 1:
    if x == 2:
        y= int(input("enter a row (as a number) or a column (as an uppercase letter")
        if y in [ "1",'2','3']:
               minimum = minimum(y,l)
            print("Minmum is:",minimum(y,l))
    if x== 3:
        print ('bye')

i have already got the list(l) from the table the table are in row and coulmns and i need to find min and max out of row and column.

Sending your code to the python interpreter yields

  File "<ipython-input-1-18413f1ea40a>", line 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Please correct the syntax first and post code that python accepts to run.

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