I created a three layer windows based application. I'm trying to make a unit testing using NUINT, but the problem is that I don't know how to access the method.
I created my application in this manner :
I'll try to test the method Shto(Klasa obj)
Business Object namespace "BO"

namespace BO
    public class Klasa
        private int k_ID_Klasa;
        private int k_KlasaViti;
        private int k_Paralelja;

        public Klasa()

        public int ID_Klasa
            get { return k_ID_Klasa; }
            set { k_ID_Klasa = value; }

        public int KlasaViti
            get { return k_KlasaViti; }
            set { k_KlasaViti = value; }

        public int Paralelja
            get { return k_Paralelja; }
            set { k_Paralelja = value; }

Data Access Layer "DAL"

namespace DAL
    public class KlasaDB
        public KlasaDB()


        public static void Shto(Klasa obj)
            SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(StringKoneksioni.Stringu);
            SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("procShtoKlasa", sqlConn);
            sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@KlasaViti", obj.KlasaViti);
            sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Paralelja", obj.Paralelja);

Business Logic Layer "BLL"

namespace BLL
    public class KlasaIURD
            public KlasaIURD()


            public static void Shto(Klasa obj)

I created the references for the namespaces needed in the project and also I created a testing class but the problem is that I don't know how to access the class method, that means I'm stacked in the following class:

namespace ScoMan_TI.NUnit_Testing
    class Klasa_Testuese
        Klasa klasa;

        public void initKlasa()

            //int ID_Klasa = 15;
            //int KlasaViti = 12;
            //int Paralelja = 5;
            //KlasaDB = new KlasaDB()
            //klasa = new Klasa(new Klasa{ID_Klasa, KlasaViti, Paralelja});



Thank you in advance for your reply.

Because Shto method is marked as static, you don't need to create a new KlasaDB instance. You do however need an instance of Klasa to pass to the call since it takes it as a parameter.

Something like this:

public void Test_Shto()
    // set some test data up
    Klasa klasa = new Klasa();
    klasa.ID_Klasa = 3;
    klasa.KlasaViti = 19301;
    klasa.Paralelja = -19;

    // call the static Shto method
    KlasaDB.Shto(klasa); // or KlasaUIRD.Shto(klasa);

    // review the result of the Shto method call
    // ...
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