I dont clearly understand bool functions. this lends problems to my current assignment in class where i have to write a program that involves a bool function that tests for letters in a string that the user inputs. Can anyone offer help to me? the whole code is slightly confusing and i have worked on it for about 4 days now. reappraisal and help would be nice.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

// Function Prototypes=========================================================
// Do NOT change the signature of these function prototypes.
// If you do, your code will not compile with my altered main() function
// I suggest that you copy the prototypes below and then fill them in.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read in a line of text INCLUDING SPACES into a string.
// You may assume that the input will NOT exceed the maxLength available.
// Keep in mind that cin stops reading at a whitespace. See page 318.
void ReadString(char * c, int maxLength);

// Get the length of the string and store it in length
// Hint: How does C++ terminate a string? Look for that character!
void GetStringLength(char * c, int * length);

// PrintString - Just print the string in forward order using cout
void PrintString(char * const c);

// PrintStringBackwards - Print the string in reverse order using cout
void PrintStringBackwards(char * const c);

// Return a pointer to the character at the index given
char * GetValueAtIndex(char * const c, int index);

// Return true/false if the string contains the testVal
bool SearchString(char * c, char testVal);
// ============================================================================

//[BEGIN MAIN] -- Don't delete this line
int main()
  // Use these variables to test.
  // SIZE could change so make sure your code works with different sizes.
  const int SIZE = 100;
  char ca[SIZE];
  char * pc = ca;

  // Your code below
  // =========================

  // tests the ReadString function
  int maxLength;
  std::cout << "Enter string length: "; 
  std::cin >> maxLength;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  ReadString( ca, maxLength); // sends to the ReadString function

  // tests GetStringLength function
  int * length = 0;
  std::string s1;
  GetStringLength( pc, length); // sends to the GetStringLength function

  //test PrintString(char * const c)

  //test void PrintStringBackwards(char * const c)
  char x = 0;
  PrintStringBackwards(pc); // sends to PrintStringBackwards function

  // test  char * GetValueAtIndex(char * const c, int index); 
  int index = 0;
  GetValueAtIndex(pc, index);

  // test bool SearchString(char * c, char testVal)
  char testVal = 0;
  SearchString(pc, testVal);
 // =========================
  // Your code above

  std::cout << "Press ENTER";
  return 0; 
//[END MAIN] -- Don't delete this line

void ReadString(char * c, int maxLength)
  std::cout << "Enter a string less than " << maxLength << " characters." << std::endl;
  // Your code here
  // ==============================
    char s1;
    std::cin >> s1; // enters a string
  // ==============================
void GetStringLength(char * c, int * length)
    std::string s1;
    std::cout << s1.length() << std::endl;
void PrintString(char * const c)
    std::string s1;
    std::cout << s1; // prints out string
void PrintStringBackwards(char * const c)
    char s1[200000];
    if (std::cin.getline(s1, sizeof s1)) // prints the string in reverse
        for (size_t i = strlen(s1) - 1; i != -1; i--)
            std::cout<< s1[i];
        std::cout << s1[0] << std::endl;
char * GetValueAtIndex(char * const c, int index)
    std::string s1;

    std::cin >> index;
    std::cout << "Character at index " << index << ": " << s1.substr(index) << std::endl;
    return 0;
bool SearchString(char * c, char testVal)

// You need to provide the rest of the functions
// See Function Prototypes at the top.

never mind.

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