I am a fresh learner in C#. I have this code below.I managed to display the data from the property table into their respective text boxes. But I failed to display the filtered propertyunits into the xtraGrid.

private readonly IPropertyService _propertyservice;
private readonly Property _property;

private readonly IPropertyUnitService _propertyUnitService;
private readonly PropertyUnit _propertyUnit;

public frmEditLandlordProperty() {
    _propertyservice = UnityConfig.GetContainer().Resolve<IPropertyService>();
    _propertyUnitService = UnityConfig.GetContainer().Resolve<IPropertyUnitService>();

public frmEditLandlordProperty(int PropertyId) 
    : this(){
        this._property = _propertyservice.GetById(PropertyId);
        this._propertyUnit = _propertyUnitService.GetById(PropertyId);

private void frmEditLandlordProperty_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    propertyBindingSource.DataSource = _property;
    propertyUnitsBindingSource.DataSource = _propertyUnit;


Just a guess, but aren't you missing .DataBind()?

   propertyBindingSource.DataSource = _property;

   propertyUnitsBindingSource.DataSource = _propertyUnit;
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