i want to convert a file from text format to binary format using VB how can i achieve this

I don't know exactly what you mean.... do you want to convert every letter to it's binary equivalent, so that A would be 1000001 (65 Dec)? If that is the case, you need to understand that your file is going to be like, 8 times bigger than normal. The reason for that, is because every character is about 1 byte. So, the letter A is 1 byte, and the number 1 is 1 byte. The number 0 is 1 byte, and the letter z is 1 byte. The character # is 1 byte, and so is the © and Җ characters. Your text file is already in Binary format.... 1000001 in Binary would actually display the letter A. So, if you want the program to replace each instance of A with 1000001 in the text file.... it's going to be taking up 7 extra bytes to represent the letter A.... because 1 is 1 byte, 0 is 1 byte, and A is 1 byte.

If you are talking about having code in a text file, and wanting to make it an EXE, that's a different story.....

thank you for the reply.i got the solution.thank u

Would you mind sharing, so the rest of the readers could get the same solution?

I don't know exactly what you mean.... do you want to convert every letter to it's binary equivalent, so that A would be 1000001 (65 Dec)? If that is the case, you need to understand that your file is going to be like, 8 times bigger than normal. The reason for that, is because every character is about 1 byte. So, the letter A is 1 byte, and the number 1 is 1 byte. The number 0 is 1 byte, and the letter z is 1 byte. The character # is 1 byte, and so is the © and Җ characters. Your text file is already in Binary format.... 1000001 in Binary would actually display the letter A. So, if you want the program to replace each instance of A with 1000001 in the text file.... it's going to be taking up 7 extra bytes to represent the letter A.... because 1 is 1 byte, 0 is 1 byte, and A is 1 byte.

If you are talking about having code in a text file, and wanting to make it an EXE, that's a different story.....

Or better still, use bytestream to read and convert the file to binary. I often do this when i need to store large files to database. I' m sure one would'n want to grow a thing 8-times bigger unless its money!

For mining association rules from an XML document,it has to be converted into binary file..Then association rules are mined using the minimum support and confidence..Can anyone suggest an idea to do so..I have no idea how to convert XML data into Binary data..

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