shroudead 0 Newbie Poster

I have an assignment to create a card game that compares to dealt cards between players to see who has the highest valued card. It must first be determined by the cards value, then only if it is tied, the suits value. The code below is what I have so far. It is working, but it isnt how I need to compare the two cards together.

string card(unsigned int card) //Assigns suits to values
        if (card >= 52)
            return "Invalid";
        return  values[card % 13] + " of " + suits[card / 13]; // where card ranges from 0 to 51.

This is the sections that seems to be the issue. Instead of both the value and the suit added together, I need just the value done, then only if it ties, to compare the higher suit to see who wins. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <iostream> //Needed to run COUT
#include <ctime> //Needed to randomise
#include <string> //Needed to create strings
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdlib.h> //Needed to run CLS
using namespace std;

    const string values[13] = //Creates an array of cards
         "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"

    const string suits[4] = //Creates an array of suits
        "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"

    string card(unsigned int card) //Assigns suits to values
        if (card >= 52)
            return "Invalid";
        return  values[card % 13] + " of " + suits[card / 13]; // where card ranges from 0 to 51.


    int main() 
    string player1; //Creates string
    string player2; //Creates string

    cout << "Hello there! " << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "This is a cardgame where you win by chance, you pull a card out of the deck and if you get the highest card you win the round." << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "If you are lucky enought to be the first to win 3 rounds, you win the game!!! Sounds like fun!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "Let's start with getting to know eachother a bit better, what's the name of player 1? Type it down below and press enter!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cin >> player1; //Player 1 input
    cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
    cout << "That's a great name! What's the name of player 2? Type it down below and press enter!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cin >> player2; //Player 2 input
    cout << " " << endl; //Writing space 
    cout << "Well, isn't that awesome." << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "Welcome to the most epic cardgame you have ever played, " << player1 << "and" << player1 << "!" << endl << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "So the card you will get is totally random. The person with the highest card wins and it's first to 3 won rounds to win the game, got it?"  << "\n" << endl << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "Great! Let's get going. :)" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    cout << "Press any key to draw a card, " << player1 << "!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
    system("pause > nul"); //Press any button to continue... but the nul removes the text

    bool loop = true; //Creates loop
    int winsPlayer1 = 0; //Creates a counter
    int winsPlayer2 = 0; //Creates a counter
    int lossesPlayer1 = 0; //Creates a counter
    int lossesPlayer2 = 0; //Creates a counter
    bool anotherround = true; //Creates a boolean for playing another round
    int roundswonPlayer1 = 0; //Creates a counter
    int roundswonPlayer2 = 0; //Creates a counter
    int gameswonPlayer1 = 0; //Creates a counter
    int gameswonPlayer2 = 0; //Creates a counter

    while (loop == true) //While the loop is active 

        bool loop3 = true; //Creates loop

        while (loop3) //While the loop is active

            int randomise = rand() % 52;
            int randomise2 = rand() % 52;

            int HighestCardPlayer1;
            int HighestCardPlayer2;
            HighestCardPlayer1 = randomise;

            HighestCardPlayer2 = randomise2;

            cout << player1 << " draws the card: " << card(randomise) << endl;
            cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
            cout << "So, your card is " << card(HighestCardPlayer1) << ", let's see what " << player2 << " gets! Press any key to draw a card, " << player2 << "!" << endl; //Presents drawn card
            cout << " " << endl; //Writing space

            system("pause > nul"); //Press any button to continue... but the nul removes the text

            cout << player2 << " draws the card: " << card(randomise2) << endl;
            cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
            cout << "Just to be clear, " << player2 << "'s card is " << card(HighestCardPlayer2) << ", let's see who won the round! Press any key to continue." << endl; //Presents drawn card
            cout << " " << endl; //Writing space

            system("pause > nul"); //Press any button to continue... but the nul removes the text

            if (card(HighestCardPlayer1) > card(HighestCardPlayer2)) //If player 1 has the highest card
                cout << player1 << ", you won this round! Wohoo!!" << endl; //Writing text
                cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
                winsPlayer1++; //Adds value to selected int
                lossesPlayer2++; //Adds value to selected int
                roundswonPlayer1++; //Adds value to selected int
                cout << player1 << ", your total rounds won are: " << winsPlayer1 << ", your total round lost are: " << lossesPlayer1 << "" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << player2 << ", your total rounds won are: " << winsPlayer2 << ", your total round lost are: " << lossesPlayer2 << "" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << "Press any key to draw another card!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text

                system("pause > nul"); //Press any button to continue... but the nul removes the text

            else if (card(HighestCardPlayer1) < card(HighestCardPlayer2)) //If player 2 has the highest card
                cout << player2 << ", you won this round! Wohoo!!" << endl; //Writing text
                cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
                winsPlayer2++; //Adds value to selected int
                lossesPlayer1++; //Adds value to selected int
                roundswonPlayer2++; //Adds value to selected int
                cout << player1 << ", your total rounds won are: " << winsPlayer1 << ", your total round lost are: " << lossesPlayer1 << "" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << player2 << ", your total rounds won are: " << winsPlayer2 << ", your total round lost are: " << lossesPlayer2 << "" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << "Press any key to draw another card!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text

                system("pause > nul"); //Press any button to continue... but the nul removes the text

            else if (card(HighestCardPlayer1) == card(HighestCardPlayer2)) //If player 1 and 2 has the same value cards


                system("pause > nul"); //Press any button to continue... but the nul removes the text

            if (roundswonPlayer1 == 3) //If player 1 has won 3 rounds
                cout << player1 << ", congratulations!! You've won the game!! "; //Writing text
                cout << player1 << ", your total games won are: " << gameswonPlayer1 << ", your total games lost are: " << gameswonPlayer2 << "" << "\n" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << player2 << ", your total games won are: " << gameswonPlayer2 << ", your total games lost are: " << gameswonPlayer1 << "" << "\n" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << "Press any key to continue!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
                cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
                roundswonPlayer1 = 0; //Brings int value back to 0
                roundswonPlayer2 = 0; //Brings int value back to 0

            if (roundswonPlayer2 == 3) //If player 2 has won 3 rounds
                cout << player1 << ", sadly you lost the game this time, better luck next time!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
                cout << player1 << ", your total games won are: " << gameswonPlayer1 << ", your total games lost are: " << gameswonPlayer2 << "" << "\n" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << player2 << ", your total games won are: " << gameswonPlayer2 << ", your total games lost are: " << gameswonPlayer1 << "" << "\n" << endl; //Writes results
                cout << "Press any key to continue!" << "\n" << endl; //Writing text
                cout << " " << endl; //Writing space
                roundswonPlayer1 = 0; //Brings int value back to 0
                roundswonPlayer2 = 0; //Brings int value back to 0


        bool loop2 = true;

        while (loop2)
            char anotherround; //Creates a character
            cout << "Do you want to play another game? If you answer no, the game will end. Enter y for yes and n for no." << "\n" << endl; //Asks the player if it wants to play again or end game
            cin >> anotherround; //Player input
            if (anotherround == 'y') //If the player types y
                loop2 = false; //Cancels loop
                continue; //Continues
            else if (anotherround == 'n') //If the player types n
                cout << "Thank you for playing the most epic cardgame there is!" << endl; //Writing text
                return 0; //Resets game
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