I am a new member to tis group, anyone familiar with round robin algorithm, pls send me some c++ codings on round robin to <<email snipped>>

Salem commented: Do your own homework you lazy troll +0

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The first place to start your research is probably google. It can often find answers to problems quickly, and sometimes not too.

If we start mailing people how will it help others who want help on the same issue. Anyways show us what you have tried so far before asking for help again.

More like the same message is spammed in many different forums (too many to remember, let alone revisit), so they're just sat there waiting for the inbox to magically reveal someone who will send them an answer.

Of course, once you do this, they will attach themselves in some leech-like manner to YOUR email address and you'll never get away from their endless questions (I'm not falling for that one again!!).

See also http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#noprivate

>>Of course, once you do this, they will attach themselves in some leech-like manner to YOUR email address and you'll never get away from their endless questions

That's one reason I have PMs turned off.

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